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Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors of Northern Virginia | Volume 9.2 March '97 |
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In April a new law takes affect that changes the now existing law that requires homeowners and contractors to obtain County or City Permits from their local Government Code Enforcement Inspection office for repairs and replacement of appliances and building structures. See page 3 for details
Virginia's Plumbing/HVAC Convention & EXPO see page 2 for details
PHCC and the Internet
http://www.phcc.org is the address for the new and
improved web site of the PHCC. On the all new Internet site you will find up-to-date
information about the PHC Industry. There are three Discussion Groups "PHCC
Share your Job Experiences" to share job and customer information
between contractors, good or bad! "PHCC For Sale" to
buy and sell PHC stuff, and "PHCC Jobs Employment "
where you can post job openings or find a job. All members and Industry members names and
phone numbers are now listed on a Web Page some even have additional information, such as
your picture! Two of which are Laurie Creigler, first women to be a president of a state
association and a picture of Ross McDaniel. Logon and check it out. You will also find a
Web Page with NAPHCC CONNECTION newsletter that is
part of our monthly membership PAK. In addition you will find Hyper-Links to all the
up-to-date information about the Unfair Utility Competition.
Hughes Supply will be the sponsor. VAPHCC director David Baily and Patrick Brookover from NAPHCC will be there. Special guest speaker will be John R. Broadway Jr. a Lobbyist coming from Richmond who is a member of NFIB. We will have some discussion about the new code.
Meeting Information
Every second Wednesday at Holiday-Inn 3535 Chain Bridge Road in Fairfax, Virginia. The evening will begin with a social hour at 6:30PM. followed by a buffet dinner at 7:00PM.
For More Information Call
William J. Baumbach II, President
9975 Pennsylvania Ave Manassas, Va. 20110
Phone: (703) 367-7900 Fax: (703) 691-0946
BBS: (703) 273-6580 NO GOOD
Internet E-mail: Baumbach@phcc.org
PHCC Web Page: http://www.phcc.org
At the last Meeting
The February meeting was sponsored by
Noland Company. It was a very good turnout. We had to put up an extra table to seat
everyone. Tom talked about the history of the Warner Company which gave us some very good
insight of the legendary company and some details on the misleading bad press they have
received recently. The winner of the $67.00 50/50 drawing was John Swallow of NFIB. Mrs.
Burnie Blum walked away with the $50.00 gift certificate to Tysons Corner Mall.
Prospective members were Garneski air-conditioning & Heating. Special guests were Tom
Warner, Mike Keenan, Paul Lynch of Fairfax County, Al Jones and Charles Wientjes of the
Washington Gas Co.
News from NAPHCC
Rick Carbo is replaced by Patrick Brookover. 1997 Coupon Book contains 40% more manufacturers' coupons. NAPHCC has partnered with ARAMARK Uniform Service, Inc., allowing "members-only" discounts.
To see the entire newsletter and get all the latest information and Hyper-Links to other important information on the Internet just logon to our Web Site at http://www.phcc.org
and start "SURFING THE NET." What are you waiting for? I have put a lot of work into our Web Site making it useful and an educational tool please use it. The Computer resources and Internet access expense are being paid by PHCC member Wendell Presgrave of My Plumber in Fairfax. This is NOT a small expense, Wendell should be recognized for his effort of bringing the PHCC into the computer age.
As you can see from the inserts in this month mailing the word has gotten out that for $150.00 you can include your advertisement in our monthly 800 plus mailing.
to compete in the State Apprenticeship contest in Fredericksburg. PHCC is supporting our Apprenticeship program and is covering the expense of Gas, Food and Hotel to send three PHCC members to participate in the program.
PHCC welcomes these supporting members' Web Pages to our Web Site.
Virginia's Only Plumbing/HVAC Convention & EXPO
This is the first Convention designed along two tracks one for management and one for employee training.
This is an event you will not want to miss.
Two training tracks- management & hands-on technical
Each track will have three different classes
There will be two hands-on technical seminars for plumbing & two for HVAC. You choose which one you want.
Low employee registration includes lunches, training and special events.
Make your reservation today!
For more information or to register for call VAPHCC (804) 644-5826
March 20-22 Convention
March 21-22 Trade Show/EXPO
(EXPO Only, admission is FREE)
Fredericksburg Sheraton,
Fredericksburg Virginia
For hotel reservations
call: (540) 786-8321
As a result of the response we are receiving we have managed to reconfigure the inside to fit 57 booths and 12 tables outside. This year the booths cost less for VAPHCC Industry Members than last year. This is a part of PHCC's effort to make the trade show as cost effective as possible for the EXPO participants. Increased attendance resulting from training classes should help to make it the best EXPO ever.
Does the new Virginia Law jeopardize the health and safety of its residents?
The new Law will not require anyone to obtain a Permit to have Government Officials inspect and Enforce Code requirements for the quality or safety of the work performed.
Here is a small example of what is included. The replacement or repair of Gas or Electric Water Heaters, Gas or Electric Furnaces, Gas or Electric Boilers, a new roof on your house, the replacement of your Garbage Disposal or Dishwasher, Gas Fire Place Logs, the list goes on and on. Needless to say, when not installed properly some of these appliances' are deadly!
This opens the door further for NON-professionals and the Do-it-yourself homeowners to perform unsafe repairs and replacements. The owners of Licensed Contracting business will be at the mercy of their employees doing uninspected work. This will also leave the homeowner dealing with some contractor's employees disastrous or unsafe work with very little recourse of any Code Enforcement. In knowing that no one is going to inspect their work technicians may get lazy and take shortcuts on quality of workmanship and safety or something may just be overlooked.
As you can see there should be some great concern here as to what must be some kind of budget cutting afford on the Governments part verses the Governments responsibility to protecting the health and safety of its people.
The people of Virginia need to be made aware of this, then they can decide whether or not too standby and let the Government do this.
For more information contact your local Government Inspection Permit Office.
Coming up in the next few months
We will have special guest speaker Dean W. Stevens V.P. of Stevens Company Plumbing
& Heating in Washington, D.C. who was involved in the million-dollar nine-month-old
infant scalding law suites. And at the suggestion of Emory Rodgers Inspection Chief of
Arlington County we will have a panel of code officials highlight some of the critical and
important changes in the 1996 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code to be adopted April
17, 1997. The panel will be looking forward to our feedback. Maybe we will see an
Inspector or two at this meeting.
PHCC gets new Officers and a face-lift for meetings
If you thought we just Eat and Drink you're wrong Meetings have a NEW FORMAT. Here are some of the new and exciting changes you will see. There is no longer a business meeting after the dinner & sponsor, in its place we now have guest speakers and informative seminars. There are door prizes and as always you could walk away a big CASH winner by participating in the 50/50 drawing.
Why Belong to the PHCC?
Primarily because you are in business, and because as a member of the PHCC you have a voice in your industry, similar to the voice you have in your community through your vote and civic activities, you owe a certain amount of responsibility to your business, by which you make your living.
In the business world today an Association is an absolute necessity. Without an Association there would be no way of keeping abreast of what is going on in the fields which are important to your business.
Sure, you can get information of a sort, independently, but the PHCC is your agency, working constantly in your interest and keeping you informed of the latest developments, which might vitally affect your business, and advising you how to meet the situation.
It is only natural and logical that trade problems should be handled through an Association, therefore, the PHCC must be strong, efficient and have the cooperation and support of its members.
Too many members just stay away and wait for the PHCC to come to them with bushels of benefits. They expect the most, but do the least. The member who really gets something out of his membership is the active and cooperative member. He attends the meetings, conventions, tries to carry out the Association programs and does his part when appointed to any committee.
Doctors, dentists and lawyers safeguard and protect the health, personal and collective
rights of the people of this country. They have learned the value of collective action and
are proud of their respective Associations. The PHC contracting services are just as
valuable and necessary to the health and welfare of the nation. Therefore, the PHC
contractor should be proud of his Association and want to be a member!
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