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Archived History of the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association of Northern Virginia |
Guess what this plumbing related picture is!
This picture was taken with a micro lens (very close-up) & at a very high speed.
E-mail me your answers William@Baumbach.com updated 02-2006
The picture is upright, color is right, etc.
The first person with the correct answer will have their name put on this web page for all to see if they would like it.We have a WINNER
see answer at bottom of page
SORRY I posted the winner before all my E-mail came in and I checked the dates & times. Trouble is the Sent time and Received time. My Email server was down so I can not go by the Received time.
Michael Bohinc
Received = 04-22-98 05:32PM
Sent = 04-22-98 05:11PM
Karl Conley
Received = 04-22-98 05:11PM
Sent = 04-22-98 11:20PM
From: Michael Bohinc
Here are some good try's
Hey, Here's my lame try........rigid pipe insulation?
since 04-17-98