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Directory Value Worksheet
Customer Success Goals for Directory Advertising
This is a Excel Spread Sheet from Bell Atlantic Yellow Pages that will help you track your Directory Adverting.
This Excel spread sheet DIRVALUE.XLS (280k)has a Macro attached Installation Help Line 1-800-932-4501
NOTICE: To print the tracking form, please use the File - Print option in Excel. Using the Print button on the Tracking From results in incomplete printing of the sheet. We apologize for this inconvenience.
This Excel worksheet is provided by Bell Atlantic Directory Services solely as a guide to advertisers to help them make informed advertising decisions. Since actual results will vary depending upon various factors including the specific business, the particular market, the advertising of competitive businesses, and the advertising copy selected by the advertiser, Bell Atlantic does not guarantee any specific results on advertising expense.* Source: National Yellow Pages Monitor, NYPM Ratings (tm) Report - 1996 Release & NYPM Ratings Category Report - Combined 15 Mid-Atlantic Markets (copyrighted) 1996. All Rights Reserved.
Memapp.doc Membership application in MSWord format.
These files are self-extracting zip files. They work best on a slow CPU i.e.
a Pentium may be to fast for them.
Single PHCC logo jumps around screen
Two PHCC logo's jumps around screen
Four PHCC logo's jumps around screen
Many PHCC logo's fills up the screen
Animated Mouse Pointers for Windows
Driping Faucet Mouse Poniter JC-FAUCE.ANI
Toilet Working In Background JC-FLUSH.ANI
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