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Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors of Northern Virginia | Volume 11.2 May '97 |
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Fairfax County Fair
We will have a booth #166 on June 6-7-8,1997 to promote the PHCC name. If you would like to attend the booth and promote your own business to the thousands of people attending the Fair call Jody at 703-378-9600.
Apprenticeship Awards Dinner
To be held June 11th 1997 at Fairview Park Marriot Hotel in Falls Church at 6:30 PM. There will be over 200 people in attendance. Tickets will be sold in advance for $35.00 per person and at the door for $40.00. We must have your R.S.V.P! Please use the form on the back of this newsletter.
PHCC Employee Members
we now have over 30 new PHCC employee members eight of whom were in attendance at the last meeting. James Moore, Zan Emory from Homeowners Plumbing, Bill Ferguson Jr., Kenny Spangler III., Wayne Taylor and James Hurt from My Plumber, Clifton Sanders from Long's Corp. and Jody Lilliston from Peed's Plumbing. Welcome to our new members and we hope to see you at our future meetings!
This May Meeting Will Have
Sponsor will be J & H Aitcheson with Halpern & Jacobs. Also Washington Gas will
fill us in on the State and Federal Governments laws for mandatory Drug & Alcohol
testing for your employees.
Protecting the health, safety, and comfort of society and the environment
Meeting Information
Every second Wednesday at Holiday-Inn 3535 Chain Bridge Road in
Fairfax, Virginia. The evening will begin with a social � hour at 6:30PM. followed by a
buffet dinner at 7:00PM.
For More Information Call
William J. Baumbach II, President
9975 Pennsylvania Ave Manassas, Va. 20110
Phone: (703) 367-7900 Fax: (703) 691-0946
BBS: (703) 273-6580 NO GOOD
E-mail: PHCC@phcc.org
PHCC Web Page: http://www.phcc.org
Highlights from NAPHCC Legislative Conference.
There were numerous ideas and suggestions made from the nearly three hundred members in attendance from across the USA on how to improve the association.
NAPHCC is working very hard to accommodate its membership and is trying to implement many of the suggestions that have come out of this meeting.
NAPHCC votes to establish a new
level of membership in an attempt to bring in new members. This new level of membership is
for new members only and has limited benefits to match the relationship of its lower fee.
Final naming of this by-law change will be decided at NAPHCC meeting in October.
This new entry level membership will be 50% less then active members dues and the Board strongly recommends that local and state PHCC affiliates extend a discount to their dues investments.
NAPHCC board members voted to set December 31 1997 as the deadline to enforce all Local and State PHCC affiliates to come in full compliance with NAPHCC by-laws.
National dues will be increased 10% to $315 in 1998
NAPHCC Board recommend the creation of new membership categories for teacher $50., instructor $50., PHCC member contractor employees/journeymen $75., and the revitalization of the student category. Each of these members will receive member mailings only.
The budget for 1998 to have consideration for NAPHCC Member Service Representative
positions to be created to assist members and local/state affiliated chapters in their
"home" areas improving PHCC relations & membership.
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development will adopt the 1996 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) effective April 15, 1997. The 1996 VUSBC incorporates the 1996 BOCA National Building Code, the 1995 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code, the 1996 National Electrical Code, the 1996 International Code Council (ICC) International Mechanical Code and the 1995 ICC International Plumbing Code with the 1996 Supplement.
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development will conduct training sessions on the 1996 VUSBC on May 6, 12, 19, 1997 and June 2 and 9, 1997 at the Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus, For further information contact Jim Collins, Prince William County Government, at (703) 792-6940
Call Audrey Clark, Chief,
Building Plan Review Branch at (703) 324-1645 in you have questions on the adoption of the
1996 VUSBC.
Sponsor was John Baxter from Moen Corporation. John had two coffee mugs that were Moen's 25th anniversary, sure to be collector items because Moen is now in their 60th year. The winners of the mugs were Mrs. Ione Fields and Mr. Fran Williams. The winner of the $59.00 50/50 drawing was Joe Harry from Washington Gas.
Special guests were Dean W. Stevens from Stevens Company who showed us a short video and talked to us about the million dollar scaled law suite. NAPHCC vice president Fran Williams and his wife Ann who is past president of the NAPHCC Women's Auxiliary whom were booth here from Massachusetts for the NAPHCC Legislative Conference. And Joe Harry from Washington Gas.
NAPHCC is located in Falls Church, Virginia on Lee Hwy.
Lee Hwy is traveled by thousands everyday, by Consumers, Contractors and maybe even some Senators and Congressman coming from and going to the U.S. Capital.
The point is that NAPHCC building has no visible Name or Logo
Thousands of people a day could be exposed to the PHCC Logo if NAPHCC had it on the highway-side of the building.
To expedite placement of the PHCC Logo and Name, the PHCC of Northern Virginia would be willing to pledge monies for the purpose of NAPHCC to place the PHCC Logo and Name on it's building. This is provided that it is of sufficient size and of a type that is easily seen by the public as they pass by, and a plaque placed in NAPHCC offices showing who made donations for the new building sign
I call on other PHCC affiliates to also pledge monies to help increase exposure of the PHCC. And call NAPHCC at 1-800-533-7694 and ask that they put up a sign.
I request that NAPHCC place a sign on their building showing the PHCC Logo and the words "Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association"
PHCC is dedicated to the promotion, advancement, education and training of the
The "Great P-H-C Image Advertisement Awards Program" will recognize those in the industry who promote in their advertisements a positive, professional image of the plumbing-heating-cooling profession.
Call 1-800-533-7694 for more information.
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