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The PHCC Gazette
ue 15 Plu
Utility Competition UpdateThis December Meeting
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The sponsor will be Ferguson
This meeting will be our annual Christmas Dinner.
At the Last Meeting
Sponsor was Thos. Somerville with Jordan Sales, Inc. representing Aquaflo/Rapidfit and In-Sink-Erator. The sponsor gave away a dozen door prizes to include coffee mugs, shirts, jackets, golf balls and more!
Welcome to our new member Frank Garneski of Garneski A/C & Heating.
Cheryl Wates of Longs Corp. Walked away with $73.00 from the 50/50 drawing.
Utility Competition panel was Randy Inge of Virginia Power, David Bailey PHCC-VA Executive Director and Laurie Crigler President PHCC-VA. They were pleased to announce an agreement with Virginia Power. See page 2&3 "Legislative Update" for details
New PHCC officers for 1998
The PHCC of Northern Virginia officers for the 1998 term are:
Theresa Dagenhart of Longs Corporation.
A.k.a. "EOU" Empress Of the Universe
4224 Rust Rd Fairfax Va. 22038
Ph: 703-323-1776 Fax: 703-385-7446
E-mail: Longs@LongsCorp.com
Vice President:
Tom Lamb of Arlington Htg & A/C
3516 S Four Mile Run Dr. Arlington, Va. 222206
Ph: 703-671-2288 Fax: 703-671-9850
Jim Seltzer of John C Flood
2870 Hartland Rd. Falls Church, Va. 22043
Ph: 703-573-0180 Fax: 703-641-8964
E-mail: johncflood@look.net
Bernie Blum of Bernie Blum Plbg & Htg.
RT 2 Box 35 Lovettsville, Va. 22080
Ph: 703-478-1815
News from PHCC-NA
$100,000 Gift from Bradford White Launches Pro Product Line Bradford White Corp. presented a $100,000 check to the PHCC Professional Product Line during the TechShow 97 Industry Forum.
The PHCC Professional Product Line is designed to give contractors a new weapon in their fight against home centers and "do it yourselfers."
Cable television commercials promoting the program also were unveiled at the forum. Contractors will be able to tag-on to the commercials in their local markets.
Members Fund Plan of Attack Against Utilities
What a speech! Mark Morgan from Iowa brought members to their feet and into their wallets as he spoke about the fight against unfair utility competition. Members donated cash and overwhelmingly voted in support for a special dues assessment of roughly eight cents a day per member to help this fight. These dollars, combined with the dollars from other industry partners, will help form an effective lobbying effort in Washington. Remember, our enemies have unlimited money, but we have the voices and the votes.
Internet News
Virginia PHCC now has a web site
"Find the Plunger" and you win a prize!
Washington Gas
Noland Company
R. E. Michel Co. Inc.
Legislative Update
by Lorrie Jones Norton, Gundlach Plumbing and Heating Co.
Finally after months of deliberations the Virginia Coalition for Fair Competition (of which VA PHCC is a member) and Virginia Power have reached a tentative agreement. At the Virginia Power Comfort Assured Conference, Randy Inge, Manager, Energy Efficiency Department, summed it up by saying that we are at "the one yard line with an agreement" and hopefully any day the agreements (which are following) can be memorialized and "we can cross the goal line."
On September 29, David Bailey, representing the Coalition, and Bill Thomas, representing Virginia Power, appeared before the Senate subcommittee studying utility deregulation and reported our progress.
There is also a verbal commitment by Virginia Power to go forward with the Coalition to the S.C.C. and help in having these Standards adopted. If adopted as is, these could apply to all unregulated subsidiaries of other Virginia utilities. Virginia Power has said they will encourage other utilities to adopt these same standards. All of this is in the future, but we feel confident that the liaison formed between the Coalition and Virginia Power is a strong one.
You may ask why would Virginia Power want to do this. Randy Inge indicated at the Comfort Assured Conference that there are three reasons: One is that "Virginia Power has no intention of getting into our business during the transition" to competition. Two, "Virginia Power wants our support of their current alternative rate plan" on review at the S.C.C. Three, and I would say most importantly, "Virginia Power wants you and I as contractors and our employees to promote them as the energy provider of choice."
I am personally willing to say that I stand ready to do this and will so encourage my employees. I am looking forward to a continued stronger working relationship with Virginia Power in the coming years.
Take a look at the following agreements, I think you will be excited as I am:
Statement of Intentions by Virginia Power
During the transition to competition, it is the Company's intention, within its service territory, only to sell fuel oil or propane, serve as a coordinator of energy services, or provide engineering services when such activity occurs either as an incidental part of a marketing effort to provide other energy services or as a part of providing services which are traditional Virginia Power activities.
During the transition to competition, it is not the Company's intention
within the Company's service territory:
1. to buy or maintain an inventory of HVACR equipment or household appliances,
2. to install, service or warranty any such equipment or household appliances for
3. to sell HVACR equipment or household appliances to customers metered
and billed on residential rates,
4. to sell HVACR equipment to customers other than those metered and billed on residential
rates except where such sale is an incidental part of providing other energy services or
providing traditional Virginia Power activities.
Virginia PHCC congratulates Virginia Power for clarifying their corporate "intentions" and for working with us in formulating "standards of conduct" which they pledge to use when they seek permission from the State Corporation Commission to establish affiliates.
We wish to thank Ken Baker for his active involvement in our negotiations with Virginia Power. Ken is very active in ACCA and we welcome him to PHCC!
Virginias First PHC Women
The state of Virginia is the first for women leaders.
PHCC of Northern Virginia is the first of any local chapter to have a woman as president in the person of Theresa Dagenhart A.k.a. (EOU) Empress Of the Universe .
PHCC of Virginia has had the first woman president of any state chapter in the person of Laurie Crigler since 1996
Virginias first
woman master plumber in the World is Lillian Ann (Baumbach) Jacobs at the age of 21 in
1951. (My sister) To see pictures and read news articles from 1951 about this historic
event on the Internet go to.
It has been and will be a continued honor for me to serve the PHC industry with these prestige leaders and first ladies of the industry.
Presidents report
Its been two years with great pride that I have served as president of the PHCC of Northern Virginia. I sincerely thank all the PHCC members that have served well with me during my two year term. Together we have accomplished a lot and helped move the PHC industry forward. I am very proud to have served with such distinguished professional businessmen and businesswomen. It has been a great privilege and honor for me.
Even though my term as president is over I look forward to serving the PHCC in many other ways some of which will be keeping you informed by continuing as editor of this newsletter, computer & Internet support, the PHCC web page, and E-mailing and Faxing information to you.
If you demonstrate or surpass the support for my successor (EOPU) that you did with me I see a great and rewarding future ahead for the PHC industry.
I leave you with this wish. I hope to see all PHCC members become a Pig.
Thats right! I said "P-I-G". "Participation & Imagination = Growth"
If we were all a little bit of a "P-I-G" now and then the PHCC would benefit greatly.
Thank you for the privilege to have served as your President!
William J. Baumbach II
Honorary Life-Time Member
Was awarded to James B. Muncy Jr. past executive director for the PHCC of VA for his 25 years of dedication to the PHCC.
And Butch McGonegal of F. A. McGonegal for his companys many active years in the PHCC.
Certificate Of Appreciation
Were awarded to the following people for their involvement in the PHCC.
They are the PHCCS great Pigs.
"P-I-G". "Participation & Imagination = Growth
My fianc� Regina gets my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for helping me put this newsletter together. She is a big help in proof reading and checking for my many spelling errors. She is also the one, that labels and stuffs the over 950 envelopes per month.
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Please be sure to provide all information requested. We need this information to serve you better.
This will cost the PHCC .64 cents each in postage so if you would care to place a .20 cents stamp on it instead and drop in the mailbox.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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