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Volume 3, Issue 16 Plumbing ! Heating ! Cooling ! Contractors of Northern Virginia January 1998
Happy New Year!
This January Meeting
The sponsor will be J & H Aitcheson
At the Last Meeting
Sponsor was Ferguson Enterprises.
Special guests were Al Jones, Charles N. Wientjes Jr. and Joe Harry of the Washington Gas Company. Kara Priggon of Federated Insurance.
Chris Ashwood of Stansberry Plumbing, HTG & A/C won $68.00 from the 50/50 drawing.
Money collected over the past year from the 50/50 drawing by PHCC Ladies Auxiliary member Joan Blum, was donated to Childrens Hospital and Hospice in the memory of Dorothy Irving, wife of long time member Irving Sanborn. $350.00 went to each.
Outgoing president: "ME" was presented a plaque and some great words by Jim Muncy & standing ovation from all in attendance.
Incoming first women president,
Theresa Dagenhart of Longs Corporation received a dozen red roses, presented by Wendell Presgrave and to go with her new office and nick name " EOU " Empress Of the Universe was also presented with a Queens Robe with the word "QUEEN" on it by state president Laurie Crigler, followed by a GREAT applause.We are looking forward to Theresas leadership. She will be calling on you and me soon!
There have been a lot of changes over the past few years and more to come with a new president.
Come see what is new....
Effective January 1, 1998 residential customer will be billed an extra $1.50 per month per phone line for having two or more phone lines in one name at the same address.
(I have two phone lines but they are in different names)
Also, if you have not picked a long-distance carrier yet they will bill you an extra 53 cents per month on your primary line and $1.50 each additional line for not having one.
(Youre are on your own here!)
News from PHCC-NA
Members attending the convention in Philadelphia voted overwhelmingly in support for the 10 percent special dues assessment to fund the fight against unfair utility competition. PHCC members heard from two of their own contractors on the urgency of this campaign and the support necessary to make it happen.
Charlie Gans of Charlie Gans Plumbing & Heating, Havertown, Pa., began by recounting the experiences of those contractors who attended the Minneapolis Forum on Unfair Utility Competition.
Mark Morgan of Fosters Heating & Air, Marion, Iowa, then took the stage and stole the show.
In a rousing speech he urged members to go on the offensive. After waiving utility advertisements in the air, Morgan then began to wave dollar bills and asked others to do the same. After the buckets had been passed around, an additional $1,600 was raised to be solely used for stopping unfair utility competition.
The members attending convention agreed with Morgan's philosophy that "we have heavy lifting to do, but as we who have carried bathtubs, hauled boilers and hoisted furnaces know, many hands make for a lighter load," and the members voted in support of the dues assessment of $30.00.
In an age when most associations are losing members at a rate of 10 to 15 percent a year, PHCCNational Association enters 1998 with a strong base of 98 percent of its membership.
Leadership conference will be held April 17- 19, 1998 at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, Virginia. More than 160 PHCC members attended the National Association's first legislative conference last spring. This year even more contractors are expected in our nation's capitol for the second annual "A Day on Capitol Hill Legislative Conference." One full day of exclusive issue briefings and first-hand experience at lobbying will be held on Thursday, April 16, 1998the day before the 1998 Spring Leadership Conference.
Apprenticeship Winners
The national apprentice winners were
First Place
Lyle Thomas Lindquist
Second Place
Fred Schnorrbusch
New JerseyThird Place
Bill Mooney
First Place
Erich Muensterman
IndianaSecond Place
Kevin Black
PensylvaniaThird Place
John E. Hendricks
New Address
PHCC of Northern Virginia
P.O. Box 307
Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039-0307
Is the new Post Office Box address. We will no longer be using the P.O. BOX in Falls Church.
This Newsletter
We have been mailing nearly 1,000 copies of our newsletter every month for two years. Due to the cost of the mailing we decided to cut the amount of this mailing down to Government, Industry & Members only.
The December mailing to non-members had a red final notice label attached to it and instructions to fill out the enclosed card or you will be dropped from the mailing list.
The response was great. Over 100 cards were returned with requests to stay on the mailing list. Over 10 contractors have requested information about membership in the PHCC. Many sent a note, informing us that they enjoyed receiving the newsletters.
Editors note: This newsletter is getting pretty well known and I get a lot of "PRESS RELEASES" from people across the USA. These press releases always consist of a lengthy letter and sometimes a picture. I will be more than happy to include them if I feel they are of interest to my readers however to assure that I use them PLEASE send them to via E-mail and not the U.S Post Office. It is difficult for me to find the time to re-type them and scan the pictures in to be included in my newsletter. If you E-mail the information to me, all I need to do is cut & paste and will stand a much better chance of being included in this newsletter.
Internet News
The PHCC BBS has been shut down.
BBSs are pretty much a thing of the past. The phcc.org domain name has been moved to our web server.
PHCC members that would like free email,
YourName@phcc.org can now get it through most any Internet service provider/software. Call me and I will tell you how to set it up. William 703-367-7900www.phcc.org has been updated.
PHCC members can get their own web page for as little as $10.00 per month & onetime $25.00 setup fee.
If you know how to use FrontPage 97/98 you can setup & create your own web page. See www.DcMetroNet.com for more information.
Your web page can include a service request form (customers can place a service call 24 hours a day over the Internet from their computer to you,) and the information can be faxed, e-mailed and/or sent to your alphanumeric pager. This is a big plus for those of you that do not have Internet access yet.
The American Plumber
A Tribute
This came from a publication called Carolina Plumbing.
In a nation which takes for granted a variety of comforts, conveniences and necessities that are unmatched by any country on earth, too little thought is given to the individual who, perhaps as much as any other factor except Nature itself, is responsible: the American plumber
Webster defines plumber as "one who installs, repairs, and maintains pipings, fittings, and fixtures involved in the distribution and use of water..."
This approach is out-of-date, however, since the modern plumber deals with the safe and efficient conduit of all fluids so essential to todays mode of living: oxygen, hydrogen, petroleum, natural gas...
In a society beset with energy shortages and environmental problems, the American plumber takes on the added responsibilities of ensuring minimum waste of precious resources and maximum conservation and enjoyment of the fluid bounties of Nature.
American plumbers, like most master craftsmen, are self-made rather than born to their expertise, which is acquired through years of arduous training, education, practice, experience, and application.
Nature is of course the greatest plumber of all: it conveys the life-giving fluids through mountain brooks and underground streams and wells, or via the mixed blessings of wind, rain, snow, storm, and fire. But once it has performed its basic functions, it asks Man to take over...
Whether it be pure water to drink, hot water in which to bathe, sewers and piping for the disposal of waste, storm drains for safety, furnaces for comfort and warmth, irrigation systems for making the desert bloom, the nation has a debt of gratitude to the American plumber.
Christmas Spirit
I am compelled to share with you the Christmas Spirit of a fellow PHCC member, My Plumber
My Plumber is giving away thousands of dollars in the Spirit of Christmas!
This PHCC contractor member is truly conducting business in the spirit of Christmas.
My Plumber in Fairfax, Virginia, services about 100 customers per day and employs about 32 plumbers.
Wendell Presgrave, owner of My Plumber, requested from each of his 32 plumbers, that in the spirit of Christmas during the two weeks prior to Christmas Day, that they giveaway one job each per day.
While they were collecting payment for services from customers at their own discretion, if the customer showed signs of financial hardship they were allowed to write "Merry Christmas" on the invoice and collect no payment for the plumbing service performed.
The plumbers were told that the company would pay them for their labor on each job they gave away. However, some of the plumbers that collected no payment for services asked not to be paid by the company working totally for FREE.
This is the fifth year in a row that My Plumber has done this and should be commended.
Three Cheers for all of you at My Plumber!
My Letter from Santa
My newsletter last month was proof read by Santa Claus and he informed me that I owe
Shelley Ploe of Calvert-Jones Co, Inc. a Christmas present. Dinner on me for Shelley at the next PHCC meeting for spelling her name wrong in the last newsletter. My apologies Shelley.The Times News Paper
By the time you get this the Times News Paper should have run in their Thursday January 8, 1998 edition an article with picture about Wendell Presgrave "Christmas Spirit" and about Theresa Dagenhart of
Longs Corporation "EOU" "first women president."Fairfax County Dept. of Water & Sewer slow to respond to an EMERGENCY!
Saturday January 3, 1998 I was at a house in McLean where raw sewage was backing up through the basement toilet at an astronomical rate. Two or more inches deep of sewage in the entire basement, back door open raw sewage flowing into back yard into the rest of the neighborhood.
I had my office call Fx. Co. to report the EMERGENCY and have them dispatch a work crew to clear the stoppage of the main sewer in the street and to send a cleanup crew. They did not believe my office. So I called while onsite told them who I was and about the emergency that I had confirmed by pulling the manhole cover in the street.
The response I got was not good, "I will call someone at home and try to get them there sometime." I had to call a Captain at the Fire Dept. and ask them to call and express the emergency to the sewer Dept. and see if they could motivate them to get the main sewer in the street cleared that day!
About one hour later no repair crew, instead one
guy in a pickup truck. He looks, agrees the sewer in the street is stopped-up. He tried to use his radio in the truck to have a repair crew dispatched. But his radio would not work, he had to use my phone to call. They allowed about two hours of raw sewage to flow because they would not believe me and dispatch a work crew.
Money Facts
Denomination | Number of Reeds |
Dime quarter half dollar dollar (1_ inch diameter) Susan B. Anthony dollar dollar Silver American Eagle bullion $50 Gold American Eagle one ounce bullion $25 Gold American Eagle half-ounce bullion $10 Gold American Eagle quarter-ounce bullion $5 Gold American Eagle tenth-ounce bullion $5 Gold commemorative $10 Gold commemorative (1984 Olympics) |
118 119 150 189 133 201 161 133 109 103 106 135 |
Highest number of reeds:
Silver American Eagle one ounce dollar Lowest number of reeds: $1 gold coin (.511-inch diameter) |
201 81 |
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