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The PHCC Gazette
Volume 3, Issue 19 Plumbing � Heating � Cooling � Contractors of Northern Virginia, Inc. April 1998
No Need To Get Permits Anymore!
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This April Meeting
The sponsor for the April 8th meeting will be Thos. Somerville w/ A.O. Smith.
Presented by Proof Management for PHCC-NV.
Register for April 8th session by April 1, 1998. Call Theresa Dagenhart at (703) 323-1776 for registration.
April 8th seminar: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
*PHCC-NV dinner meeting included in price of seminar, which starts at 6:30p.m.
Be sure you arrange to have your employees come and take advantage of this great seminar. These seminars are being offered at two different dates so you can split up your attendees without interruption of your daily business.
WHERE: Holiday Inn- Fairfax City
3535 Chain Bridge Rd.
Fairfax, VA. 22030
At The Last Meeting
Hughes Supply w/ Rod Sensibaugh was the sponsor for the March dinner meeting with The Joyce Agency w/ Skipper Joyce as cosponsors. Angelo Sinisi, the national sales manager for Hydro -Therm boilers gave a presentation to the more than 90+ attendees. The large turnout was due in part to the seminar held earlier in the day at the Holiday Inn which was put on by Proof Management sponsored by NVPHCC. Dont forget to call or sign up for the seminar on April 8th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.with the social hour immediately following the class. HURRY since we had over 65 people attend the first one.
The 50/50 drawing was won by Dan Fearson w/ Washington Gas for his part he took home $124.00.
Scott Gallion w/ Parts Unlimited was a guest as a prospective new member.
Joe Harry w/ Washington Gas introduced his crew and the new financing available to all TPP contractors for most any project with quick and easy approval.
Chris Burkert w/ Fairfax County Commercial Cross Connections Branch was also a guest of PHCC-NV.
Hughes Supply gave a pocketknife away as a door prize and the winner was Glen Wanielista
Internet News
MindSpring, PHCCs preferred Internet Service Provider has a special offer for AOL customers. Sign up with MindSpring today and they will waive the start up fee, saving you $25! You can either sign up online, or call the sales desk at 1-888-MSPRING. Still not convinced? Go to:
to compare AOL to MindSpring.
If you are not on AOL, as a PHCC member you can sign up for only $10. Contact Tisha Burke for more information.
News from PHCC-NA
The 1998 PHCC National Apprenticeship Contest will be held Sept. 23, 1998, at the Howard County Fairgrounds in Sykesville, Md. The contest will be hosted by the Maryland PHCC, in cooperation with the PHCCNational Association. Contact
Colise McKinney for more information.NATIONAL
SEPT. 23, 1998
Vent Pipe Recall Includes Contractor Referrals... Register Now!
The furnace and boiler industry, together with the manufacturers of
high-temperature plastic vent (HTPV), pipes have joined with the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC) to announce a recall program. This program will replace, free of
charge, an estimated 250,000 HTPV pipe systems attached to gas or propane furnaces or
boilers in consumers homes.
The HTPV pipes could crack or separate at the joints and leak carbon monoxide (CO), presenting a deadly threat to consumers.
Consumers contacting the CPSC Corrective Action Program for information and assistance will be directed to a qualified contractor in their area. To become registered with the CPSC, call (800) 619-2265.
News from PHCC-VA
President's Report
by Laurie Crigler, L&D Associates, Inc.
Even though this is the March report, I'm sitting in my office and it's February and the wind/rain/sleet/snow are pounding the windows. It's so cozy inside and I feel somewhat guilty because all my employees are working out in the elements (or at least have to get out in the elements to get all the materials for their jobs). But I guess I don't feel guilty enough to join them!
The legislative session is in full swing and that seems to monopolize our time. Lorrie, David and I have been busy tracking legislation, writing letters to Senators and Delegates and trying to make sure that legislation that others are trying to enact does no damage to our contractors.
There was an issue that came up in February, which involved one of our members and the Maryland legislature (including the Attorney General). This issue was made known to anyone who has e-mail or is on the internet which is fine except that some of the responses that came in from people in other parts of the country were extremely negative and this negativity causes me concern because they are reacting to partial information. One very well known person in the industry responded that PHCC "spends too much in public spitting matches to be a force to reckon with in the political arena" and that the "PHC industry is a dysfunctional family." Well, I personally take exception to this, VA PHCC has always been a force to reckon with in the political arena. If you read the February magazine that focuses on Lorrie Norton's efforts over the past 10-15 years, you will know that the Legislators in the State of Virginia have the utmost of respect for the work that Jim Muncy and Lorrie got us started on and which is furthered by David Bailey, Lorrie and myself and our able Legislative Committee. I am also on the PHCC-NA Legislative Committee and I have seen the work that Claudia Harris (Governmental Relations Director) and Ed Fluhr (her assistant) have done. They are always on top of issues that effect our industry and do not hesitate to call on members in states where help is needed.
I guess, other than tooting the horns of those I know who have very effectively worked in the political arena, my main point is that I am concerned about the use of e-mail and the internet. While I will admit to being a hold-out on really utilizing the internet, and fully understanding that there are some advantages to having the tools available, I personally do not feel that anything can replace good old-fashioned, one-on-one conversation. So much understanding and misunderstanding can be cleared up through one-on-one conversation that can't be cleared up through brief messages sent over the airwaves.
Please, remember that e-mail and the internet are tools to utilize to help our businesses succeed and grow, and for goodness-sakes, if you have a question about something that is going on in your association, ASK SOMEONE in person or via the telephone! We are all professional enough to realize that what we say and do may be perceived differently by others and constructive criticism is
always welcome. Negativity does nothing but undermine our ability To work together.
Don't let those across the country who spend time on the internet think of our industry as "a dysfunctional family"...let's show them we are a force to be reckoned with in all areas.
No Need To Get Permits Anymore!
March 16, 1998
TO: Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Home Improvement Contractors
RE: Residential Limited Service and Repair Permits
Effective April 15, 1998
the Residential Limited Service and Repair Permits is amended as Follows.of commencing work with the exception of an emergency repair or replacement. For an emergency repair or replacement a permit application, completed certification and permit fee must be submitted within five (5) calendar days.A permit must be obtained in advance
Ordinary Repairs The Uniform Statewide Building Code/1996 amended the definition for ordinary repairs. Permits are not required for ordinary repairs. Following are examples:
Door and windows replacement when there are no structural alterations made or are required | Door and windows replacement when structural alterations are made or are required |
Hot water heaters and existing appliances when replacement with a similar capacity unit in the same location. | New appliances in a new location and upgraded appliances requiring electrical, plumbing or mechanical system upgrades. |
Repairing an existing air conditioner or furnace by
installing replacement parts. Replacing an electric furnace, a heat pump or air conditioning condensing unit with similar capacity unit in the same location |
Installing a new air conditioning unit or a new
furnace Replacing a gas furnace, an oil furnace and a gas log assembly. |
Roof Repair to a limited area | Roof Replacement (i.e. new roof) |
Siding Repair to a limited area | Siding Replacement (i.e. new siding) |
Replacing an existing electrical fixture/receptacle | Installing a new electrical circuit/fixture/receptacle |
Replacing existing sinks, tubs, showers, toilets with no change to the plumbing or vent pipe | Installing new plumbing or altering the existing plumbing system |
Painting walls and installing floor coverings | Cutting away of any wall, partition or portion thereof |
Convention & Trade Show
April 16-18, 1998 Holiday Inn Koger Center Richmond
Make your reservations at the Holiday Inn Koger Center by calling (804) 379-3800.
1021 Koger Center Blvd, Midlothian, VA 23113
Schedule for the Convention
Wednesday, April 15
6:00 PM | Executive Committee-Presidents Suite |
Thursday, April 16
3:00-5:00 PM | Board Meeting |
5:00-6:00 PM | Membership Meeting |
6:00-7:30 PM | Buffet Meal |
7:30-11:00 PM | Casino Night |
Friday, April 17
8:30 AM | Keynote Speaker |
10:00 AM | Apprenticeship Competition Begins |
12:00 PM | Box Lunch |
1:00-2:15 PM | Seminars and Workshops Estate Planning for Business Owners - Hugh Weeks, Federated Water Treatment Systems May Supply HVAC Hands On - RE Michel |
2:30 PM | Trade Show begins |
5:00-6:30 PM | Hors d'oeuvres served in Trade Show |
6:30 PM | Trade Show ends |
8:30 PM-12AM | Dance and Fun Night |
Saturday, April 18
8:00-10:00 AM | Apprenticeship continues |
8:00-11:00 AM | Trade Show |
11:15 AM-1:15 PM | Seminar |
1:30-3:30 PM | Hydronics Seminar-National Hydronics Foundation |
6:30-9:00 PM | Reception, Banquet, Entertainment |
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The PHCC Gazette Copyrighted � 1997-98 William J. Baumbach II