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Virginia Community College System Apprenticeship Information
June 1997
Dear Apprentice and Sponsor:
Enclosed is the information needed to enroll apprentices in related instruction classes. If you have questions, please call the Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office at 703-227-2300 Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
To avoid late fees, enrollment for apprenticeship related instruction must be received by August 29, 1997. Make-up classes may be scheduled on nights other than those listed. All classes are held at Fairfax County Public School sites and are tobacco free. Classes meet once or twice a week. A copy of the Attendance Policy for Related Instruction is on page 10.
In the event of inclement weather cancellations, the first class missed will not be made up. If two or more classes are missed, the instructor will reschedule them. Call the inclement weather phone number at 703-227-2352 for updated information on class cancellations.
Credit-By-Exams (optional) have been scheduled for August. If an apprentice did not complete or pass a course (see page 10), she/he may want to try passing the Credit-By-Exam instead of repeating the class. This is the only opportunity to take credit-by-exams until next year. See the inside front cover for complete details. Feel free to post the Credit-By-Exam page on your company bulletin board.
We always have room for another good instructor. If you or someone you know is interested in more information on the advantages of instructing an apprenticeship class, call 703-227-2300.
The Apprenticeship Related Instructional Office, the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, the VCCS - State Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office, instructors, and craft advisory committees work together to bring you these classes. We are looking forward to a great year for apprenticeship. Join us in making this the best year yet.
Ellen Andrews Carlos
Apprenticeship Coordinator
P.S. Everyone can benefit from all kinds of employment-related classes. Please share pages 11 and 12 with your co-workers for a small sampling of the possibilities.
(703) 227-2241
AIR CONDITIONING - A series of three classes start in the fall and run through spring, meeting one night per week. Nongraded classes for career exploration with lab demonstrations and hands on opportunities included. MECHANICAL CODE STUDIES also available for testing preparation.
AUTOMOTIVE - Brakes and Tune-up, repair you own vehicle and learn about the different models.
BLUEPRINT READING - for anyone associated with the construction trades. Choose from 8 week introductory course or 32 week comprehensive course.
CONTRACTING - Prepare to take the business related exam now required to obtain a Virginia contractor's license or learn the process of obtaining licenses. Also consider OSHA safety classes (see below) for yourself and your employees.
COSMETOLOGY - This program offers hands-on and related theory as required to be eligible to take VA state boards at about � the cost of proprietary schools. Tuition is paid in installments for each 40 hours of class time. Enter at anytime of the year.
ELECTRICAL - A wide range of classes from entry level, to master's prep including, but not limited to:
GENERAL TRADES - Consider these for introduction to the field, career exploration, and for cross training.
PLUMBING - Occupational plumbing class to teach new hires and persons wanting to enter the plumbing trade, The International Plumbing Code for Journeyman and Masters licensing exam preparation, Gas Fitters exam preparation and Plumbing Design.
Information regarding licensing requirements for Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical available upon request.
(703) 227-2241
(703) 227-2231
Most classes are offered each season.
(winter, spring, summer, and fall)
CLASSES ETC lists over 2500 class choices each season. The classes are open to everyone regardless of where you live.
Call (703) 227-2200
for information regarding the availability of classes on the topics that interest you.
Mail-in Enrollment:
Complete the enrollment form in this brochure. The number on the employer address label is the employer number for use on the enrollment form. If you do not have an employer number, call the Apprenticeship Office at 703-227-2300 and one will be assigned to you.
Enclose: 1. Enrollment form
2. Copies of proof of State Apprenticeship Registration (see eligibility, page 4) for each apprentice, OR pay Non-Virginia Apprentice fee
3. Appropriate payment (make check payable to FCPS-Adult Education)
or complete credit card information
Mail to: Apprenticeship Office
Office of Adult and Community Education
5775 Spindle Court
Centreville, VA 20121
FAX-in Enrollment:
Complete the enrollment form in this brochure. The number on the employer address label is the number for use on the enrollment form. If you do not have an employer number, call the Apprenticeship Office at 703-227-2300, and one will be assigned to you.
Be sure to include credit card number (only Master Card and Visa accepted), expiration date, signature, and a copy of each apprentices certification card along with each enrollment. The enrollment form (on the inside back cover) has spaces for four apprentices. Make additional copies of the form if you have additional apprentices to enroll. FAX to 703-227-2327 or 703-968-2659.
FAX in: 1. Enrollment form (include credit card number, expiration date and signature)
2. Copies of proof of State Apprenticeship Registration for each apprentice,
OR pay the Non-Virginia Apprentice fee
3. Fax to 703-227-2327 or 703-968-2659
Walk-in Enrollment:
Complete the enrollment form in this brochure leaving the address label on the other side. The number on the employer address label is the number for use on the enrollment form. If you do not have an employer number, call the Apprenticeship Office at 703-227-2300 and one will be assigned to you.
Walk in: 1. Bring the completed form
2. Bring copies of proof of State Apprenticeship Registration for each apprentice, OR pay the Non-Virginia Apprentice fee
3. Bring appropriate payment: Master Card, Visa, Cash, Check or Money Order payable to FCPS-Adult Education to one of the adult centers below:
Groveton/Bryant Center Tysons/Pimmit Hills Center Fairfax/Woodson Center Centreville Center
2709 Popkins Lane 7510 Lisle Avenue 9525 Main Street 5775 Spindle Court
Alexandria, VA 22306 Falls Church, VA 22043 Fairfax, VA 22031 Centreville, VA 20121
703-660-2056 703-506-2340 703-503-6400 703-227-2340
Hours: Hours: Hours: Hours:
Mon - Thurs, 10am - 6pm Mon - Thurs, 10am - 8pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, 10 - 4:30pm Mon, 10am - 8pm
Fri, 10am - 4pm Fri, 10am - 4pm Wed, 10 - 8pm Tues - Fri, 10am - 4pm
Fri., 10am - 4pm
For recorded directions to any of the above adult centers call: 703-227-2366
Other Class Locations, Not for Enrollment:
Chantilly High School: 4201 Stringfellow Rd., Chantilly, VA 20151
Edison High School: 5801 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310
Marshall High School: 7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043
Late Fees and Deadlines for Enrollment:
Enroll by August 29, 1997, to avoid late fees of $40.00 per student. No one will be enrolled for classes after the third class meeting or October 1. Late enrollees will be marked absent for any nights missed due to late enrollment. Barbering, cosmetology, and directed study apprentices may enter at any time without payment of late fees since these programs are open entry/open exit.
Payment Requirements:
Fees must be paid at the time of enrollment. Anyone who is not a Virginia Registered Apprentice must pay the NON-Virginia Apprentice fee. See eligibility requirements at the top of page 4. For information regarding eligibility and availability of payment plans and/or financial assistance call Monday through Friday at any of the following centers:
Groveton/Bryant Center: 703-660-2065
Tysons/Pimmit Center: 703-506-2220
Fairfax/Woodson Center: 703-503-6415
Centreville Center: 703-227-2220
Textbooks are distributed in the class. In some courses the books used in previous years are required for the current years instruction. The books must be purchased if the apprentice did not take the previous course in FCPS or earned credit by examination for the previous course.
Grade Reports:
Quarterly grades and hours will be mailed to the employer of record approximately every eight weeks. Employers may request interim reports from the instructor through the apprentice at any time. If you change employers or employees, call the Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office
at 227-2300.
efunds will be granted only if a written request is postmarked on or before September 30, 1997. A service charge of $7.00 will be assessed for each refund. Send requests to the Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office. If books and/or materials have been issued to the apprentice, the cost of the books will be subtracted from the refund. Apprentices may not be substituted by employers- but rather a refund must be requested for the leaving apprentice, and a new fee paid for the new apprentice. Refunds are made payable to the name on the check.
Students who become registered apprentices in Virginia before December 31, 1997, may receive a refund of the difference between registered and non-registered fees by submitting a request for refund form, proof of payment, and proof of registration to the Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office before March 31, 1998.
"Virginia Registered Apprentice" means the apprentice must be working for a Virginia employer in an apprenticeable trade and must have registered with the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (703-392-0900 ext. 102. The apprentice must have a registration card or apprenticeship registration papers from the State of Virginia. All Virginia registered apprentices are required to enroll in related instruction classes. Those who are not Virginia registered apprentices are also welcome in most programs. Virginia registered apprentices pay a reduced fee because a portion of their training costs are covered by special state funds for apprenticeship training. Registered apprentices completing a full program receive a State Apprenticeship Certificate upon completion. Non-registered apprentices receive a FCPS certificate of completion. General adult students taking only one year of a program receive an Adult Education certificate or letter of completion.
Contact the Apprenticeship Representative, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, 703-392-0900 ext.102
for information about:
� Registration � Employer transfers
� Completion requirements � Record log books and record keeping
� Licensing certification requirements � If problems occur on the job
� On-the-job-training � Duplicate copies of apprenticeship agreements or cards
Contact Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office, Fairfax County Public Schools, 703-227-2300 for
information about:
� Enrollment in class � Fee schedules and refunds
� Textbooks � Attendance or grades
� Course outlines � Changes of address and/or employers
� Transcripts for grades or class attendance � Comments regarding course materials or (request in writing is required) instruction
Contact Virginia Employment Commission for information about:
� Employment counseling, referrals and � Vocational assessment
placement assessment
Alexandria Office: 703-813-1399
Fairfax Office: 703-803-0000
Prince William Office: 703-494-2184
5494-40 BARB WOODSON T 9/9 6:00 50 $539 $539
Barbering: The related theory portion only, in an individualized instruction format. Enrollment is open throughout the year. Fees cover instruction for one calendar year from enrollment date. Students must complete a registered apprenticeship with an employer prior to going to State Boards.
8025-01 BLDG M 1 BRYANT T 9/9 6:00 32 $379 $429
Building Maintenance 1: Basic electrical; basic plumbing; appliance repair; safety; CPR.
8026-01 BLDG M 2 BRYANT T 9/9 6:00 32 $429 $479
Building Maintenance 2: CFC training and an opportunity for certification. Basic heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; trouble shooting; safety; CPR.
8027-01 BLDG M 3 BRYANT T 9/9 6:00 32 $379 $429
Building Maintenance 3: Pool maintenance and operator's certification; grounds keeping; basic carpentry, masonry, and painting; preventive maintenance; safety; CPR.
8065-01 CARP BRYANT T 9/9 4:30 36 $419+Books $469+Books
Carpentry classes will be offered in Directed Study (See Directed Study course description below).
The Nations Capital Chefs Association (NCCA) in conjunction with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) offers this three-year program which combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training required by the American Culinary Federation (ACF). For more information, call the Hotel-Restaurant Program at 703-323-3457.
5492-40 COSM WOODSON T 9/9 6:00 50 $539 $539
Cosmetology: The related theory portion only, in an individualized instruction format. Enrollment is open throughout the year. Fees cover instruction for one calendar year from enrollment date. Students must complete a registered apprenticeship with an employer prior to going to State Boards.
8065-01 D-STUDY BRYANT T 9/9 4:30 36 $419+ Books $469+ Books
Directed Study: Individualized instruction and study of the related theory in trades where there are too few apprentices for a unit class. The student must be working in a trade. Examples of trades in directed study include heavy equipment operator, meat cutter, bricklayer, floor coverer, locksmith, ironworker, carpenter, sheet metal worker, and many others. Enrollment is open throughout the year.
8070-01 ELEC 1 EDISON T 9/9 6:30 32 $469 $519
8070-05 ELEC 1 CHANTILLY W 9/10 6:30 32 $469 $519
Electricity 1: Introduction to National Electrical Code; boxes and devices; safety; trade math; conduit types and fill; cables; conductors; services; voltage drop; DC theory; and series/parallel circuits.
8071-01 ELEC 2 EDISON T 9/9 6:30 32 $469 $519
8071-05 ELEC 2 CHANTILLY W 9/10 6:30 32 $469 $519
Electricity 2: Part 1 - AC theory: 3 wire circuits; power factor; Ohms Law; voltage drop; transformers, phase angle. Part 2 - Motor controls: Sizing conductors and equipment; motor control circuits; and motor circuit protection.
8072-01 ELEC 3 EDISON T 9/9 6:30 32 $399 $449
8072-03 ELEC 3 CHANTILLY W 9/10 6:30 32 $399 $449
Electricity 3: Blueprint reading including: lines, symbols, and basic views; plan details; construction contract documents, specifications, working and shop drawings; foundation work; wall and roof structures; reinforced concrete; masonry; structural steel; finish carpentry; mechanical, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning systems; intensive work with complete sets of prints.
8073-01 ELEC 4 EDISON T 9/9 6:30 32 $399 $449
8073-03 ELEC 4 CHANTILLY W 9/10 6:30 32 $399 $449
Electricity 4: National Electrical Code including wiring materials, cables, conduits, conduit fill calculation exercises, outlet, junction and pull boxes, box fill calculation exercises, designing circuits, services, feeders, branch circuits, overcurrent protection, grounding, equipment design, motors and motor controls, transformers, electrical layouts, and hazardous locations. 1996 NEC included in price.
8001-01 HVAC 1 BRYANT M/W 9/8 6:00 50 $589 $639
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 1: CFC Training and an opportunity for certification. Basic refrigeration cycle; refrigerants and refrigeration oil, piping practices, basic electricity, introduction to heating and cooling equipment, safety, trade math.
8002-01 HVAC 2 BRYANT T/TH 9/9 6:00 50 $489 $539
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 2: Refrigerant controls; electric motors, circuits, and controls; fundamentals of air conditioning; basic air conditioning systems, functions, and air filtration; safety; trade math.
8003-01 HVAC 3 BRYANT M/W 9/8 6:00 50 $539 $589
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 3: Trouble shooting gas, electric, and oil heat; troubleshooting heat pumps, cooling systems, and accessories; preventive maintenance; system balancing; hydronics; boilers; commercial refrigeration; and chilled water systems. 1996 International Mechanical and National Electrical codes.
8004-01 HVAC 4 BRYANT T/TH 9/9 6:00 50 $519 $569
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 4: Blueprint reading; trade math; heat load/gain calculations; air distribution systems; psychometrics; air flow measurements; trouble shooting heating refrigeration and HVAC electrical systems, wiring diagrams; International Mechanical and National Electrical codes.
8080-01 MACH 1 EDISON T/TH 9/9 6:00 32 $549 $599
Machinist 1: Trade math including general math, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry; safety; cutting fluids; saws; drill press; milling machine; engine lathe; grinding machine; introduction to numerical controls.
8081-01 MACH 2 EDISON T 9/9 6:00 32 $469 $519
Machinist 2: Blueprint reading including dimensioning, shop sketching. Metallurgy, steel and alloys classification, heat treatment. Machining threads and gears.
8082-01 MACH 3 EDISON T 9/9 6:00 32 $469 $519
Machinist 3/4: The CNC and GDT curriculums alternate each year using the same set of texts. This year
1997-1998, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GDT) will be offered. (Extra cost is for books.) Next year, 1998-1999, computer numerical controls (CNC) and jigs and fixtures will be offered.
8083-01 MACH 4 EDISON T 9/9 6:00 32 $329 $379
Machinist 3/4: The CNC and GDT curriculums alternate each year using the same set of texts. This year
1997-1998, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GDT) will be offered. Next year, 1998-1999, computer numerical controls (CNC) and jigs and fixtures will be offered.
5493-40 NT WOODSON T 9/9 6:00 36 $539 $539
Nail Technician: The related theory portion only, in an individualized instruction format. Enrollment is open throughout the year. Fees cover instruction for one calendar year from enrollment date. Students must complete a registered apprenticeship with an employer prior to going to State Boards.
8091-01 OPT 1 BRYANT T/TH 9/9 7:00 50 $489 $539
Optician 1 (Lecture and Lab theory): Anatomy of the eye; theories of light and dispersion; reflection and refraction; transposition and power cross; Prentice prism; aphakic lenses; fittings; true power and marked power; frames; lenses; lensometry.
8092-01 OPT 2 BRYANT T/TH 9/9 7:00 50 $399 $449
Optician 2 (Lecture and Lab theory): Anatomy and physiology of the eye; anomalies; prisms and prism formulas; optical crosses; toric diagrams; formula sine 2 theta; slab off; slab on; sagitta; positional effective power; nominal power; specialty fittings; frame repair; lenses; lensometry-centering, MRP's, aphakic, neutralization and duplication; eyewear fabrication.
8093-01 OPT 3 BRYANT M/W 9/8 7:00 50 $399 $449
Optician 3 (Lecture and Lab theory): Preparation for state licensing exam; surfacing lab flow chart; prescription interpretation and application; curve computations; lens surfacing, grinding, and polishing.
8097-01 PAINT 1 MARSHALL W 9/10 6:00 32 $439 $489
Painting 1: Water and oil based paints and coatings; clear finishes; types of surfaces; hand and mechanical cleaning of surfaces; improving surfaces; brushing, rolling, and miscellaneous application techniques.
8098-01 PAINT 2 MARSHALL W 9/10 6:00 32 $479 $529
Painting 2: Trade math, measurement, and job planning; water blasting and chemical cleaning; conventional and airless spraying; stains and wood finishing; wall coverings adhesives and applications; stippling, mottling, stenciling, and texturing; caulks and sealants; waterproofing.
8100-01 PLBG 1 WOODSON T/TH 9/9 6:30 48 $439 $489
Plumbing 1: Basic plumbing tools and terminology; pipes and fittings; joining pipes and fittings including plastic, copper, galvanized, black, no-hub, cast-iron, and spigots; soldering and brazing; trade math; safety.
8101-01 PLBG 2 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $399 $449
Plumbing 2: Water piping materials and sizing; water heaters; trade math; sewage disposal; drainage fixtures; building drains; stacks; rough-in sheets; single line drawings; venting materials and sizing.
8102-01 PLBG 3 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $399 $449
Plumbing 3: Residential, commercial, and industrial installation practices including cross connections; trade math (offsets); elevations and grades; builder's level and transit methods; gas codes; blueprint reading.
8103-01 PLBG 4 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $399 $449
Plumbing 4: Preparation for licensing exam; 1996 International Plumbing code studies, fire sprinklers.
8065-01 SM BRYANT T 9/9 4:30 36 $419+Books $469+Books
Sheetmetal classes will be offered in Directed Study (See Directed Study on page 6 for course description) Textbooks cost approximately $206.
Sheetmetal Field theory classes will be offered through Directed Study (See Directed Study on page 6 for course description). Textbooks cost approximately $212.
Sheetmetal Shop classes will be offered through Directed Study (See Directed Study on page 6 for course description). Textbooks cost approximately $212.
8120-01 SRVY 1 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $379 $429
Surveying 1: Arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and application of mathematical concepts to elementary surveying problems. Students with good math skills should consider taking the credit-by-examination offered in August. See inside front cover for test information. Textbook needed for all levels (included).
8121-01 SRVY 2 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $339 $389
Surveying 2: Trade math, including trigonometry of right and oblique triangles, leveling procedures, note keeping and adjustments, horizontal taping procedures and corrections, traverse, plane table. First year text required but not included.
8122-01 SRVY 3 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $339 $389
Surveying 3: Trade math, area, horizontal curves, practical astronomy, state coordinate systems, comprehensive problems and triangulation. First year text required but not included.
8123-01 SRVY 4 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $339 $389
Surveying 4: Earthwork computations, construction layout, subdivision computations. First year text required but not included.
8124-01 SRVY 5 WOODSON TH 9/11 6:30 32 $369 $419
Surveying 5: Boundary determination, boundary law and evidence, land development planning, storm drainage, site plans, sewers, water distribution, storms water management, siltation and erosion control, ethics. First year text required but not included.
Disclaimer: The fees and schedules are based on current information about expected state reimbursements and estimated enrollments. Changes in revenues or enrollments may be reflected in higher fees or limited class availability.
insert certificate program page here
CREDIT-BY-EXAMS (skip tests) ARE SCHEDULED FOR 5:30-8:30 p.m. on:
August 5: Tuesday Independent Hill School Board Annex, 14800 Joplin Rd., Manassas, VA
August 14: Thursday Spotsylvania Vo-Tech., 6713 Smith Station Rd., Spotsylvania, VA
August 20: Wednesday Centreville Adult Center, Cafeteria, 5775 Spindle Court, Centreville, VA
August 28: Thursday Centreville Adult Center, Cafeteria, 5775 Spindle Court, Centreville, VA
From I-95: Take exit 234W (Montclair) to Joplin Rd. Turn left onto Joplin Rd. and go about l/4 mile to Independent Hill School Board Annex, OR From I-66: Take 234E at Manassas, approximately 10 miles. Turn right onto Joplin Rd. to Independent Hill School Board Annex. Go through the gate to the stop sign and turn left. Follow that road to the Administrative Building. Report to the cafeteria (lower level).
From I-95: Take exit 130A (Rt. 3 East, Mary Wash College). Go approximately 1 mile. Take U.S. 1 South (to Richmond). Go approximately 3.5 miles. Turn right on Courthouse Rd. (Rt. 208). Go approximately 3.5 miles. At light, turn left onto Smith Station Rd. (Rt. 628). Vo-Tech. is on left.
From Capital Beltway (I-495): Exit onto I-66 West; take I-66 West to exit Rt. 28 South; take Rt. 28 South
1/4 mile to Rt. 29; turn left onto Rt. 29 (Lee Hwy.). At the next light make a right onto Old Centreville
Rd.; just past the shopping center, turn left onto Braddock Rd., and left again onto Spindle Ct.
From Fairfax County Parkway/Springfield Bypass: Exit onto Braddock Rd. West; at 2nd traffic light turn
right onto Union Mill Rd.; go 1/4 mile to next light and turn left onto Braddock Rd.; turn right onto Spindle
Court just before the shopping center.
To reserve a place, call the apprenticeship voice mail number at 703-227-2335. Provide the date of test, subject, test level, apprentice's name, and daytime phone number.
The fee for each exam is $40 payable at the time of exam. These tests are optional. If an apprentice wants to take a test(s), s/he must do it before enrolling in a related instruction course. The tests will not be offered after classes begin. The test will be graded immediately and a course level/section will be recommended for enrollment.
Exams are offered for the following courses:
Air Conditioning 1, 2 Architectural Woodworking 1, 2
Barbering Building Maintenance 1, 2, 3
Carpentry 1, 2, 3 Cosmetology
Electricity 1*, 2, 3 Floorcovering 1
Glazier 1, 2, 3 Insulation Worker 1
Locksmith 1, 2 Machinist 1, 2, 3
Nail Technician Opticians 1, 2
Painting 1 Plumbing 1, 2, 3
Sheetmetal 1 Surveying 1**, 2, 3
* Electricity 1: Bring NEC book ** Survey 1: Bring calculator
NOTE: In some courses, the books used in previous years are required by the current year's instruction. The books must be purchased if the apprentice did not take the previous course in FCPS or earned credit by examination for the previous course.
The VA Registered Apprentice course fee will be accepted only when a copy of the certification card or apprenticeship agreement is attached.
Payment MUST accompany enrollment form.
1997 - 1998
Enrollments for September classes received after August 29, 1997, must include a late fee of $40 per student. No enrollment for September classes after October 1, 1997. See page 2 for detailed instructions.
Company Name: Company Representative: Company Phone: ( )
Employer Number:* Company Address:
*Call 703-227-2300 if you do not have your employer number.
Apprentice Information Fees
Social Security Number |
Apprentice Name and Home Address (First) (MI) (Last) |
Home and Work Phone Number |
Course Number |
Section Number |
Virginia Registered Apprentice |
Non-Virginia Registered Apprentice |
Mr/Ms | ||||||
Mr/Ms | ||||||
Mr/Ms | ||||||
Mr/Ms | ||||||
By Mail: Make check(s) payable to FCPS. Return form, check(s), and copy of apprenticeship card(s) to:
Apprenticeship Office, 5775 Spindle Ct. Centreville, VA 20121
By FAX: Complete enrollment form, including Mastercard or Visa credit card number and expiration date, sign the form, also include a copy of your apprenticeship card and FAX to: 703-227-2327
Total all pages:
Late Fees @ $40/app:
Total Enclosed:
Check No. and Date:
Credit Card #:
o MC o VISA Expiration Date:
Donation $
Total this Page: $
Upon completion, credit is awarded for a year's worth of related instruction. This assumes the apprentice has been in class for the total number of hours offered and has received related instruction in all parts of the curriculum for that year. If several classes are missed, the apprentice will not have received all of this training and will have gaps in his/her knowledge. Therefore, regular attendance is required if an apprentice is to receive credit for the year's related instruction.
An apprentice must physically attend at least 85% of the course hours to receive credit for the year's related instruction. This is in addition to earning a minimum of 70% final grade average.
The following table shows the total in-class hours plus make-up hours the student must have to pass the course.
Maximum unexcused absences
Course Hours Hours Needed and/or absences not made up
96 81 5 sessions or 15 hrs.
120 102 6 sessions or 18 hrs.
150 127 7 sessions or 21 hrs.
An excuse only qualifies the apprentice to participate in the make-up process. Any excused absence must be made up to get credit for the hours. Unexcused absences may not be made up. Students who arrive late or leave class early will be docked and will not have the privilege of making up the loss.
Excused absences may be granted when documented by a letter from the employer on company letterhead, thus ensuring that employer/sponsor knows of the absence. Acceptable excuses include: personal illness or injury, or the death of immediate family members. In the occasional work related emergency, an absence may be excused. The request to make up missed hours and/or class work must be presented to the instructor within two weeks of the absence. Excused absences that are not made up will not get hours credited.
Students should strive to attend all scheduled classes. Absences that cannot be avoided should be made up as soon as possible, even though the maximum listed above is not exceeded. Not all class sessions are available to be made up because of guest lecturers, demonstrations, difficult subject matter, etc. Absences on these nights will result in lost credit hours even if the absence is excused.
To make up hours and class work missed, the apprentice must make arrangements with the instructor to come to school another night for a make-up session, or to receive alternative assignments such as attendance of the same lecture in another class, special projects, special homework, etc. This should be used on a limited basis and only with excused absences. Make-up work must be done within 60 days of the absence.
The previous class schedule includes a brief description of each course. More detailed course outlines can be obtained from the Apprenticeship Related Instruction Office.