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Archived History of the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association of Northern Virginia |
I am a member of the PHCC (Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association) and felt compelled to share with you the Christmas Spirit of fellow PHCC member My Plumber.
This PHCC contractor member is truly conducting business in the spirit of Christmas.
My Plumber in Fairfax Virginia services about 100 customers per day and Employs about 32 plumbers with about 25 working plumbers per shift.
Wendell Presgrave owner of My Plumber requested of each of his 32 Plumbers that in the spirit of Christmas during the two weeks prior to Christmas day that they give away one job per day.
While they were collecting payment for services from the customer at their own discretion if the customer showed signs of financial hardship that they write Mary Christmas on the invoice and collect no payment for the plumbing service performed.
The plumbers were told that the company would pay them for their labor on each job they gave away.
However some of the plumbers that collected no payment for services asked not to be paid by the company working totally for FREE.
This is the fifth year in a row that My Plumber has done this. This adds up to hundreds of free jobs and many thousands of dollars!
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The American Plumber A Tribute
Back to ContentsIn a nation which takes for granted a variety of comforts, conveniences and necessities that are unmatched by any country on earth, too little thought is given to the individual who, perhaps as much as any other factor except Nature itself, is responsible: the American plumber
Webster defines plumber as "one who installs, repairs, and maintains pipings, fittings, and fixtures involved in the distribution and use of water..."
This approach is out-of-date, however, since the modern plumber deals with the safe and efficient conduit of all fluids so essential to todays mode of living: oxygen, hydrogen, petroleum, natural gas...
In a society beset with energy shortages and environmental problems, the American plumber takes on the added responsibilities of ensuring minimum waste of precious resources and maximum conservation and enjoyment of the fluid bounties of Nature.
American plumbers, like most master craftsmen, are self-made rather than born to their expertise, which is acquired through years of arduous training, education, practice, experience, and application.
Nature is of course the greatest plumber of all: it conveys the life-giving fluids through mountain brooks and underground streams and wells, or via the mixed blessings of wind, rain, snow, storm, and fire. But once it has performed its basic functions, it asks Man to take over...
Whether it be pure water to drink, hot water in which to bathe, sewers and piping for the disposal of waste, storm drains for safety, furnaces for comfort and warmth, irrigation systems for making the desert bloom, the nation has a debt of gratitude to the American plumber.
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ARAMARK Uniform Rent/Purchase Benefit
NAPHCC have agreed on a uniform rental and purchasing program for our members. The agreements offer the membership a two-fold opportunity to reduce uniform rental costs and to purchase quality uniforms at a "members-only" discount.
The "purchase" agreement offers NAPHCC members a 25 percent discount off the Aramark products catalog (Aramark standard discount 20 percent). The "rental" agreement offers NAPHCC members a nationwide, uniform rental charge ceiling of $5.50 per man. The rental charge cannot go above $5.50 for any NAPHCC member. Also depending on the uniform market for some geographic locations, the ceiling can be set below the $5.50 mark. An additional benefit for the NAPHCC is a potential non-dues revenue stream written into the "purchase" contract. The NAPHCC would be entitled to a "royalty" based on a purchase volume system (1 percent for volume of $250K-$500K, 2 percent $550K-$750K, etc.)
The 1996 coupon book program had a smashing year. Members redeemed over 1,270 coupons for a cash value of $26,000 and a product redemption value of $25,000. The 1997 coupon booklet has been completed and contains 40% more manufacturers coupons.
We from Maio Marketing recommend you always put an ad tracking number in the upper left-hand corner of the ad.
This way they don't confuse it with your telephone number, or the page number of the book, when you ask for it. (Note-some books put the page number on the left in these cases put the tracking number in the upper right corner)
If you feel like you are keeping them on the phone too long,
I suggest using a telephone script. By using a telephone script you can be 100% sure that anyone answering your phones will sound identical and be asking the same questions.
The telephone script has a place for asking how the customer got the phone number.
If you still feel you are putting the customer out asking for the info, another idea is to tell the customer to circle the ad that they are looking at and show it to the technician. When the technician sees the circled ad he will give a $10.00 discount on the order.
The tech can write down the ad on the invoice for tracking. This does one other thing for you in marketing your company. People generally refer to their yellow page book everytime they need work done. If they see an ad circled they will typically think that the company circled was sooo good last time that they had to circle it.
This will create repeat business.
If you would like some sample yellow page ads faxed to you please let me know I would be more than happy to fax several layouts.
Also, we are going to be in Orange County Nov 13 & 14th with our "Winning In
The Service Business" seminar. One of the many topics is Advertising -
Creating, Tracking, Direct Mail Pieces, Do's & Don'ts, Contests, Giveaways,
etc.... If you would like more information feel free to give me a call
anytime on our toll free number 800-344-6246 ext. 121.
Highlights of the 115th Annual Convention
Bradford White Corp. presented a $100,000 check to the PHCC Professional Product Line during the TechShow 97 Industry Forum.
The PHCC Professional Product Line is designed to give contractors a new weapon in their fight against home centers and "do it yourselfers."
Cable television commercials promoting the program also were unveiled at the forum. Contractors will be able to tag-on to the commercials in their local markets.
Members Fund Plan of Attack Against Utilities
What a speech! Mark Morgan from Iowa brought members to their feet and into their wallets as he spoke about the fight against unfair utility competition. Members donated cash and overwhelmingly voted in support for a special dues assessment of roughly eight cents a day per member to help this fight. These dollars, combined with the dollars from other industry partners, will help form an effective lobbying effort in Washington. Remember, our enemies have unlimited money, but we have the voices and the votes.
New Vision of the Future
PHCC-National Association board members unveiled a new vision of our future. From the Professional Product Line to new membership ideas, this vision will fundamentally change how we do business. Thanks to California, Kentucky, New Hampshire and all the states that helped develop this plan. California has volunteered to be the pilot for this vision. Other states are invited to participate as well.
Highlights include:
To receive a complete copy of the plan, dial the PHCC fax on demand service at (703) 237-8107. Press 5 and follow the directions. The vision code is 4050. The plan will automatically be faxed to you.
New Leaders Installed
New leaders of the PHCC-National Association were installed during Closing Banquet. Executive Committee members are: John Garvelink, president; Fran Williams, president-elect; Skip Flatten, vice president; and Jim Witten, secretary. A full list of association, Educational Foundation and PHCC Auxiliary leaders will be included in the next issue of the Connection newsletter.
Watch for details on all these stories in your next Connection newsletter.
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Lot's of learning opportunities at the convention. Several seminars going on at the same time. They recorded the sessions so you can hear what we did. Take a minute and order tapes, you will enjoy and learn from them. The speakers were very good on the ones I (Gary Jeffers) sat in on.
P11 Labor Calculator V Jim Witten
Each session approx. 90 min. Tapes are $9 each w/ qty disc for 12, 16 or all.
Phone orders 1 214-638-8273 x 114
e-mail = nationwiderecording@msn.com
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PHCC of Northern Virginia Vegas Nite
Cordially invites you to join them for the
at the
Westwood Country Club
800 Maple Ave
Vienna, Va
Saturday, November 8, 1997
Cocktails 7:00 to 8:00
Games & Dancing 8:00 to 12:00 midnight
$35.00 per person
RSVP by October 1, 1997
Jody: 703-378-0606
Contry Club Casual Attire
Hors dOeuvres & Cash Bar
Door Prizes and an Auction
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September 12, 1997 CONTACT: Tim Sargeant
(202) 624-6043 (o)
(202) 825-7051 (p)
Washington Gas is helping the Consumer Product Safety Commission warn consumers about some potentially dangerous gas connectors. These corrugated brass tubes are used to connect appliances such as gas ranges, ovens and clothes dryers to gas supply pipes. The problem is with certain older, corrugated brass connectors that can separate, leading to a fire or explosion.
"Washington Gas is glad to help the Consumer Product Safety Commission get the word out about these potentially unsafe connectors," said Ron King, vice president of customer services. He noted that Washington Gas provided technical assistance, staff and facilities to support production of the CPSC video news release about the uncoated brass connectors. The video was distributed to local and national media outlets at the CPSC's news conference on September 9th.
Washington Gas notified customers about the potential problem of uncoated brass gas connectors in December 1996. Another notice is planned for October of this year. In addition, Washington Gas advises customers to have regular inspections performed on their gas appliances for optimum efficiency and safety.
Uncoated brass connectors have not been manufactured for about 20 years, but many are still in use. The older these connectors get, the greater the possibility of failure. Any existing uncoated brass connector should be replaced immediately with a new stainless steel or coated brass connector. Consumers SHOULD NOT attempt to move the appliance to inspect the connector because older brass connectors could break. The inspection and replacement should be done by a licensed appliance service, heating or plumbing professional.
Here are three ways to arrange an inspection and/or replacement:
Call the company that installed the appliance Check the telephone book for a licensed appliance service, heating or plumbing firm Many local gas companies like Washington Gas will refer customers to licensed appliance service, heating or plumbing firms
"Safety is our foremost concern." said King. "That is why we advise our customers to have a licensed professional replace any existing uncoated brass connectors attached to their gas appliances."
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Washington Gas provides natural gas and other consumer services to more than 795,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout metropolitan Washington, D.C. and the surrounding region. More information about Washington Gas, its history, products and services is available on the Internet at http://www.washgas.com.
Washington Gas, 1100 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20080
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Trane Announces Changes in CAP Policies
LA CROSSE, WI - Major changes in its Commercial Aftermarket Product (CAP) and Parts Policies for the purpose of assuring "a level playing field" between independent HVAC service contractors and service companies associated with their commercial district offices have been announced by The Trane Company. According to James H. Schultz, executive vice president of the North American Group, "We want to deliver a strong message to independent service contractors in the HVAC industry that we value them as our customers. And that we want to be their preferred supplier of HVAC equipment, parts, commercial aftermarket products and controls." Some of the highlights of the policy changes are:
A package that includes a video summary of the changes and the reasons behind them, along with executive summaries of the policy changes, can be requested by calling 608-787-3000, by sending a FAX to 608-787-2888 or by
E-Mail to comfort@trane.com
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Would you like to advertise your service or product to the PHC trade?
I mail may PHCC of Northern Virginia monthly newsletter to 800+ Plumbing and HVAC contractors in the Northern Virginia area and to all PHCC State offices in each state.
If you would like to insert an advertisement in my mailing you can do so
for $150.00 this about half postage cost for you.
You must supply me with about 900 copies and MUST be
Pre-folded to fit in a regular size envelope.
Extra charge for extra HEAVY paper.
What was National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors is now "PHCC-NA" "Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors National Association" there was a flip flop on the NA. This was to put the words Plumbing, Heating, Cooling before the words NA to help with name recognition.
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Liver Damage Linked To Leaking Refrigerants Compounds Used to Replace Banned CFCs
From: Rod Stine < LYEBURY@AOL.COM
Date: Friday, August 22, 1997 2:47 PM
This jewel from Today's Washington Post 8/22/97
Liver Damage Linked To Leaking Refrigerants Compounds Used to Replace Banned CFCs
By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Two industrial refrigerants that were intended to help save Earth's ozone layer may be hazardous to human health, a new study suggests. In this week's edition of the British medical jornal The Lancet, scientists report the first confirmed casesof liver damage among workers accidentally exposed to HCFC123 and HCFC124, two alternatives to the chlorofluorocarbons that were banned by an international treaty in 1990.
Exposure to high levels of the compounds had been lined to tumors in rats and other laboratory animals, but the new research provides conclusive evidence of toxic effects in people,according to the study's chief author, Perrine Hoet of the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels.
"In view of the potentially widespread use of these compounds, there is an urgent need to develop safer alternatives," Hoet writes.
HCFCs--known formally as partially haologenated hydrochlorofluorocarbons--are a family of artificial coolants that have been marketed as replacements for the CFCs used in air conditioners and refrigerators. CFCs, which include Freon (sic) are believed responsible for the thinning of thelayer of stratospheric ozone that protects Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
The two substitutes examinedin the study, HCFC123 and HCFC124 are used in a variet of industrial applications eiher as coolants or cleaning agents.
Hoet's research stemmed from an 1996 "epidemic" of liver disease at an unidentified smelting facility in Belgium. Over four months, nine workers at the plant were diagnosed as having acute hepatitis. Factory officials investigated and found that a plastic pipe in the plant's air conditioning system had leaked, exposing workers to a mixture of HCFC123 and HCFC124. After the leak was repaired, there were no additional outbreaks.
All nine patients had been operators of an overhead gantry system that put them in direct contact with the leaking compounds. Biopsies showed significant damage to the livers of each, leading Hoet to conclude that repeated exposure "can result in serious liver injury in a high proportion of the exposed population."
Noting that the useof the two coolants is projected to rise over the coming years, Hoet urged that "very strict measures of containment" be implemented to prevent accidental exposure.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets limits for worker exposure to HCFC123 but a fact sheet prepared by the agency says the compound is actually less toxic than some of the ozone-depleting substances it is supposed to replace.
Noting that all commercial coolants are potentiall hazardous, the EPA describes HCFC123 as a "necessary transition refrigerant as the world phases out the CFCs."
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"My dream came true!" From Maurice Maio of Maio Marketing & ARS
From: Maurice Maio < MAIOMARK@AOL.COM
Subject: [PDL] MAIO & ARS
Date: Saturday, August 16, 1997 1:24 PM
Dear Fellow Contractor:
I've been reading the chatter regarding Contractors 2000, ARS and my recent decision to sell my company. There should be plenty of concern regarding the paradigm shift effecting this industry. Organizations like C-2000 will be effected but like many have said: "They will replace those members leaving with new members."
My decision to join ARS was a positive upward move for my family and I. The industry is changing before our eyes and when Wall Street comes to our businesses and offers us 2-3 times more than our businesses are worth --- well, you know the rest. My dream was to build a successful business, earn plenty of money while it was building then sell it for an incredible profit.
My dream came true.
The effect it will have on Maio Marketing will be a positive one - I turned away from other consolidators that wanted to lock up my mouth. I refused to head down that road, especially with all the personal committments I've made to contractors throughout the years. ARS felt that by helping the industry do better, they also would succeed. The problem is not other well run companies completing with us --- it's the contractor that does not know his costs and ruins our chances to raise our rates to what they should be. ARS recognizes that by becoming profitable - the honest way - they would be able to continue to offer companies an "exit strategy."
There has been little change in my company since joining ARS expect one big one:
And no more liability, no more worries, no more hassles, no more cash flow issues. My team players (employees) responded favorably. Better medical plan, stock options and more incentives -- benefits that a small company is not able to offer.
The negative side was not being able to continue my membership with Contractors 2000. I'm not sure why they would not allow me to continue? NAPHCC, QSC, ACCA and others were happy to allow me to remain as a participating member. Jack Tester and staff at C-2000 has done an outstanding job at providing the industry a forum for contractors to learn and come together socially. I've made lots of good friends and gained lots of knowledge as a member. Maybe I could be a quest speaker???
If you have any questions regarding consolidation, why I decided to join them or anything on your mind, E-Mail me at: MauriceMai@AOL.COM or call me at 1-800-344-6246. I'm currently on a west coast seminar tour but I'll get back with you as soon as I can.
Good luck to all of you. I plan to stay in this industry for a long time.
Maio Marketing is going to continue to offer it's products and services, in fact, we plan step up the production and seminar schedule. Hope to see you soon.
Maurice Maio
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Subject: [PDL] Big NJ Win Over SEARS
Date: Friday, July 25, 1997 12:40 AM
To everyone on the PDL:
The New Jersey PHCC and State League of Master Plumbers teamed up today for a big win over SEARS before the NJ Board of Master Plumbers.
SEARS put on a full-court press with a four-person legal team, led by the former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Michael Chertoff, plus several PR men. But they couldn't match the testimony of a dozen passionate contractors.
The following press release, which we put out after the event, is only a thumbnail sketch of what took place, and does not do the event justice. At this hour of the night, however, it will have to suffice.
If SEARS doesn't go directly to court to challenge today's Board directive, they'll be back at next month's meeting. If so, I hope we can turn out twice as many plumbers. Congratulations to all who helped out today.
Frank Brill
News Release
Contractors Applaud State Order Halting Illegal Sears Plumbing Ads
NEWARK (NJ)--The New Jersey Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers today voted to issue a "cease and desist" order directing Sears, Roebuck and Company to stop all advertisements for "plumbing services."
The New Jersey Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors (NJAPHCC), a trade organization opposing Sears' recent entry into the residential plumbing business, applauded the board's directive.
" For six months, Sears has been running illegal advertisements in Yellow Page directories and newspaper supplements offering services which can only be performed in New Jersey by licensed master plumbers who are regulated by the State," said NJAPHCC President Steve Spontak. "Allowing unlicensed entities into the plumbing business jeopardizes the health and safety of New Jersey consumers."
The order does not affect Sears' ability to advertise the sale of appliances or plumbing products but does not permit the retailer to operate as a plumbing contractor in arranging for installation and plumbing repairs.
More than 100 licensed plumbers rallied at the monthly meeting of the Board of Examiners meeting today in Newark, protesting that the State Attorney General's Office had blocked a similar order issued by the Plumbing Board last month. In re-issuing the order today, the Board turned aside arguments made by a panel of Sears attorneys led by Michael Chertoff, the former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, who is now in private practice.
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Maio Plumbing and Marketing Services SOLD OUT!
From: Richard Wilpitz <RWilpitz@AOL.COM
Date: Thursday, July 24, 1997 3:45 PM
I was reading the article in P&M mag about the conglomerates buying up HVAC and plumbing service companies. Especially interesting was AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SERVICES trading on the NYSE symbol ARS. So I thought that I'd look them up the AOL financial channel. Might be a good buy. However, reading news about this company I see that they just acquired Maio Plumbing and Marketing services.Bet they paid a bundle for this guys operation. The thing that struck me is that the PHCC endorses the Maio flat rate system. When I was talking to Mark Giebelhaus a few months ago, he identified these conglomerates as our enemies: them swallowing up the small fish. Shouldn't we dump this Maio guys endorsement; seeing as he just sold out to the enemy??!!
Sheeeeet!? what's this world coming to. The only thing one can count on is change.
And the almighty dollar being the Supreme idol.
So it goes.
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Join the PHCC approved long distance plan
12� Per Minute Flat Rate
BTI rebates a portion of each members bill back to the association and the PHCC will credit a portion of your bill against your dues.
No Gimmicks, No Catches, No Surprises.
You will receive the low flat rate of 12 cents per minute with no monthly charges for in-state or out-of-state calls, no matter when you make the call.
800 service
6-second incremental billing
Low cost calling cards
Personal 800 service with PIN #s
Account and security codes
Voice mail
For more information call BTI at 1-800-954-6224
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If you are advertising in P&M magazine they my be sending your sales leads to someone else!
I use to advertise my software in P&M about 1-1/2 years ago.
Then to my surprise I received from P&M 15 sales leads from their May 1997 issue. I have Not advertised with P&M since about 1995.
The sales leads referred to page 107. Circle No. 232 on card.
I found a copy of the May 1997 issue and found that the ad was for EZ-CAM Pipeline Inspection System.
I called P&M about their mistake BUT the person I talked to seemed not to take to much interest in the fact that their paying customer EZ-CAM sales leads were being sent to someone else.
So I took the time and called EZ-CAM told them what was going on and faxed them the copy of the sales leads I had.
I advised EZ-CAM not to pay P&M the hundreds of dollars to P&M for the ad since what they were paying for was not coming to them.
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Great opportunity to not only contribute to the industry that supports your livelihood, but also to become a satisfied raffle grand prizewinner, this in not the same old raffle. For your $100.00 ticket price, you could be the one of a thousand who has the fantastic chance to choose a prize that best fits your personality, the choices are between a 1997 Cadillac, 1997 Corvette, two 1997 Harley Davidson motorcycles, or $25,000.00 cash.
The drawing will be held at the NAPHCC convention in Philadelphia on October 25, 1997
Call the Womens Auxiliary of the NAPHCC for more information at 302-998-3852
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Banquet for the Graduates of Fairfax County Public Schools
Press Release
June 6, 1997
The PHCC (Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association) is pleased to announce our sponsorship of a Graduation Banquet for the Graduates of Fairfax County Public Schools, Plumbing and HVAC Apprenticeship Training Programs.
Nearly two hundred people will be in attendance. Including Jack Rust, delegate from Va. Representatives from National PHCC, many other associations and government officials.
The Awards Dinner is being held at:
Fairview Park Marriott
3111 Fairview Park Drive
Falls Church, VA.
Wednesday, June 11, 1997
6:30-9:30 p.m.
Diplomas will be presented at this time.
The Fairfax County Public Schools program is the only one of its kind in the Washington metropolitan area. It instructs students from Virginia, D.C. & Maryland in the mechanical procedures of our professions, with heavy emphasis on their future responsibility for "Protecting Health, Safety, and Comfort of Society and the Environment."
Media coverage of this event is encouraged and welcomed.
Arrangements can be made with:
William Baumbach (PHCC president)
Phone: (703) 367-7900
Fax: (703) 691-0946
E-mail: William@Baumbach.com
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Reference: NAPHCC Web Site " How Do I Hire a Contractor? " Web Page.
May 9, 1997
The Board of Directors of the PHCC of Northern Virginia unanimously
voted to request NAPHCC web page initialed "How Do I Hire a Contractor? " Which is located at
http://www.naphcc.org/hire2.htm to be removed.
This information apparently has also been mailed out to people.
The reason for this request is based on the content: "How Do I Hire a Contractor?" The information/web page is not to the approval of my membership.
We request the " How Do I Hire a Contractor? " information not be made available until its content is modified and approved by the PHCC membership.
Attached is a copy of text from the " How Do I Hire a Contractor? " Web Page. Highlighted in "RED" is some of the information that is not to our PHCC members approval.
If you need more information or would like some input on the changes that we are requesting please contact via one of the methods below.
William J. Baumbach II; President
9975 Pennsylvania Ave
Manassas, Va. 20110
Phone: 703-367-7900
Fax: 703-691-0946
E-mail: William@Baumbach.com
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Reference: PHCC Sign For NAPHCC Building
May 10, 1997
The Board of Directors of the PHCC of Northern Virginia unanimously voted to donate the sum of $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) to NAPHCC for the placement of a large sign, to be placed on the NAPHCC building. Consisting of the PHCC logo with the words: (Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Contractors Association)
The Board of Directors of the PHCC of Northern Virginia challenges all PHCC affiliates to also donate money to NAPHCC for the sign.
If the NAPHCC Board of Directors approves the placement of a sign and once the plans are ready, please contact me via one of the methods below and I will forward a check to you.
William J. Baumbach II; President
9975 Pennsylvania Ave
Manassas, Va. 20110-2028
Phone: 703-367-7900
Fax: 703-691-0946
E-mail: William@Baumbach.com
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The 1996 VUSBC incorporates the 1996 BOCA National Building Code, the 1995 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code, the 1996 National Electrical Code, the 1996 International Code Council (ICC) International Mechanical Code and the 1995 ICC International Plumbing Code with the 1996 Supplement.
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development will conduct training sessions on the 1996 VUSBC on May 6, 12, 19, 1997 and June 2 and 9, 1997 at the Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus, For further information contact Jim Collins, Prince William County Government, at (703) 792-6940
Call Audrey Clark, Chief, Building Plan Review Branch at (703) 324-1645 in you have questions on the adoption of the 1996 VUSBC.
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PHCC Name and Logo Recognition
April 14, 1997
NAPHCC is located in Falls Church, Virginia on Lee Hwy.
Lee Hwy is traveled by thousands everyday, by Consumers, Contractors and maybe even some Senators and Congressman coming from and going to the U.S. Capital.
The point is that NAPHCC building has no visible Name or Logo
Thousands of people a day could be exposed to the PHCC Logo if NAPHCC had it on the highway-side of the building.
To expedite placement of the PHCC Logo and Name, the PHCC of Northern Virginia would be willing to pledge monies for the purpose of NAPHCC to place the PHCC Logo and Name on it's building. This is provided that it is of sufficient size and of a type that is easily seen by the public as they pass by, and a plaque placed in NAPHCC offices showing who made donations for the new building sign
I call on other PHCC affiliates to also pledge monies to help increase exposure of the PHCC. And call NAPHCC at 1-800-533-7694 and ask that they put up a sign.
I request that NAPHCC place a sign on their building showing the PHCC Logo and the words "Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association"
William J. Baumbach II
President: PHCC of Northern Virginia.
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1st Place: Paul M. Keane 5008 Broad Street Virginia Beach, 23462 from Atomic Plumbing
2nd Place: Bob Burgess 4309 Deep Creek Blvd. Portsmouth, VA 23702 from Evan Hibbs, Inc.
3rd Place: Brian Lidgett 1357 Ruddy Oak Ct.Virginia Beach, VA 23456 from George T. Davis
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The Department of Housing & Community Development will be holding a public hearing to revisit the permit waiver regulatory changes. The public notice will be published in mid April. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 28th. I will get the specifics to you as soon as possible.
For your convenience I will be faxing you a form letter you can fill-in with your company information and mail to them voicing your protest to the new permit law.
P.S. The DHCD public hearing on the permit waiver issue should take place in the General Assembly building in Richmond in either House Room C or D probably at 10 am. This information is tentative and is subject to change.
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In April a new law takes affect that changes the now existing law that requires homeowners and contractors to obtain County or City Permits from their local Government Code Enforcement Inspection office for repairs and replacement of appliances and building structures.
The new Law will not require anyone to obtain a Permit to have Government Officials inspect and Enforce Code requirements for the quality or safety of the work preformed.
Here is a small example of what this will include. The replacement or repair of Gas or Electric Water Heaters, Gas or Electric Furnaces, Gas or Electric Boilers, a new roof on your house, the replacement of your Garbage Disposal or Dishwasher, Gas Fire Place Logs, the list goes on and on. Needless to say, when not installed properly some of theses appliancess are deadly!
This also opens the door further for NON-professionals and the do it yourself homeowners to perform unsafe repairs and replacements. And the owners of Licensed Contracting business will be at the mercy of their employees doing uninspected work. And this will also leave the homeowner dealing with some contractors employees disastrous or unsafe work with very little recourse of any Code Enforcement. And also, in knowing that no one is going to inspect their work technicians may get lazy and take shortcuts on quality of workmanship and safety or something may just be overlooked.
As you can see there should be some great concern here as to what must be some kind of budget cutting afford on the Governments part verses the Governments responsibility to protecting the health and safety of its people.
The people of Virginia need to be made aware of this, then they can decide whether or not to standby and let the Government do this.
For more information contact your local Government Inspection Permit Office.
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This information has been removed at the request of NAPHCC