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NAPHCC News from the Membership Pak
Connection News Letter
ARAMARK Uniform Rent/Purchase Benefit
NAPHCC have agreed on a uniform rental and purchasing program for our members. The agreements offer the membership a two-fold opportunity to reduce uniform rental costs and to purchase quality uniforms at a "members-only" discount.
The "purchase" agreement offers NAPHCC members a 25 percent discount off the Aramark products catalog (Aramark standard discount 20 percent). The "rental" agreement offers NAPHCC members a nationwide, uniform rental charge ceiling of $5.50 per man. The rental charge cannot go above $5.50 for any NAPHCC member. Also depending on the uniform market for some geographic locations, the ceiling can be set below the $5.50 mark. An additional benefit for the NAPHCC is a potential non-dues revenue stream written into the "purchase" contract. The NAPHCC would be entitled to a "royalty" based on a purchase volume system (1 percent for volume of $250K-$500K, 2 percent $550K-$750K, etc.)
The 1996 coupon book program had a smashing year. Members redeemed over 1,270 coupons for a cash value of $26,000 and a product redemption value of $25,000. The 1997 coupon booklet has been completed and contains 40% more manufacturers coupons.
Unfair Utility Competition...
Utility deregulation will be the hot topic for PHCC members in the 105th Congress.
NAPHCC Director of Government Relations Claudia Harris will be attending the
Zone2 Conference in New Orleans this month.
There she will update the attendees on the latest developments from Washington on utility deregulation.
If you are unable to attend the Zone 2 Conference.
National Alliance for Fair Competition (NAFC):
NAFC is a coalition of construction and small business associations working on utility cross-subsidization. NAPHCC is a charter member of the Alliance. NAFC has established a web site on the Internet. Visit http://www.naffc.org (Dead Link has of 08-04-97) and find out the latest information at both the local and national level on unfair utility competition.
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC):
This site provides links to all state utility commissions, NARUC public policy positions, and more. Their address is http://www.naruc.org This site also has a link to NARUC s collaborative effort with the National conference of State Legislatures.
The National Council <R>on Competition and the Electric Industry:
The Councils mission is to make available quality information about the future of the electric industry to state, regional and federal government officials. The Councils web site http://www.ncouncil.org provides lists of National Council Steering Committee members and staff, glossary of electric utility terms, survey of State Commission Activity Regarding Electric Utility Restructuring, NARUC Congressional testimony on electric utility issues, recent speeches on electric utility restructuring, and links to other utility web sites. Public Utilities Reports, Inc. (PUR): Publishes information and reports for the electric utility, natural gas, and telecommunications industries. Covers energy and power markets, restructuring trends, energy prices, electric and gas utility rates, mergers, regulation, and new technology. Get the latest news from utility companies, state commissions and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at http://www.pur.com
Advice for Small Businesses
The Business Advisor can be thought of as a giant, user-friendly index which will lead you to the information you need. With connections, or "links," to over 1,000 sources of information, one should be able to find information on any topic affecting small businesses.
The U.S. Business Advisor allows the reader to search for the desired information in a variety of ways, such as:
How to... Provides tools, guides and forms to help you solve problems and do business with the government.
Search Helps you find on-line resources and regulations for topics of interest by entering key words or phrases. Browse allows you to search for information and services arranged by category. News gives current items of interest to the general business community. For example, if you wanted to learn more about the Electronic Federal Tax
The Search
you an opportunity to enter words and phrases to find what you need. If you were to type in "EFTPS," the Business Avisor will connect you to the IRS s web site and your computer screen will be filled with information on the new tax filing requirements.
The U.S Business Advisor is not the answer, but it is the tool with which you can find the answers you need.
The U.S. Business Advisor is located at http://www.sbaonline.sba.gov or just search for the Small Business Administration s Home Page.
HVAC Task Force Asks: Name Your Newsletter!
The HVAC Enhanced Service Group is still in the process of naming its newsletter, and we need your help by Jan. 24, 1997. Fax, phone, or mail your suggestion to the National Office for consideration (ATTN: HVAC Task Force).
QSC has its Advisor, the UA has its Messenger, and the HVAC has its
_________________________________________________________ ___ ____.
is your newsletter. Let s make sure it is crowned with a great title.
Submitted by:
Company_____________________________________________________ ______
Address_____________________________________________________ _______
Phone_______________________________________________________ _______
Fax_________________________________________________________ _______
e-mail______________________________________________________ ________
It s Back and Better Than Ever...the In-Sink-Erator Raffle!
In-Sink-Erator s 1997 Raffle offers the choice of either a Cadillac, a
Corvette, two
only 1,000 tickets will be sold. This year s choices will take your breath away, and it s not too early to buy your tickets. Ticket proceeds again will benefit the NAPHCC Educational Foundation and the
Women s Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. So your $100 is not only a chance for you, but also a worthwhile investment into both the Educational Foundation and the Womens Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. As Vice President, Fran Williams is the Raffle Spokesperson. His progressive goal is to sell all the tickets before convention in October 1997. Make sure you get your ticket soon. Don t wait until the last minute because your chances at buying a ticket at convention may be slim to none.
For more
Spring Cleaning, Concerts and Conferences
The Annual NAPHCC Spring Leadership Conference will be held in Falls Church, at the Fairview Park Marriott Hotel, April 11-13, 1997. So clear the cobwebs and come ready to roll-up your sleeves and discuss your federation system. Yes, the entire program will be devoted to the members and leaders of PHCC to learn, share and recommend to the National Board of Directors how the federation should change now to lead us into the new millennium.
All state full-time, paid executives, the state presidents and presidents-elect are invited
All members are cordially invited. If you are not in one of the categories mentioned above, fees will be: $115 Registration, $84 per night hotel plus applicable tax. This year s Leadership Conference begins at Noon on Friday with a luncheon and will conclude Sunday after breakfast. See you there!
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