Welcome to the
Archived History of the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association of Northern Virginia |
PHCC members that would like free email,
Ie, YourName@phcc.org can now get it through most any Internet service provider/software. Call me and I will tell you how to set it up. William 703-367-7900
www.phcc.org has been updated.
PHCC members can get their own web page for as little as $10.00 per month & onetime $25.00 setup fee.
If you know how to use FrontPage 97/98 you can setup & create your own web page. See www.DcMetroNet.com for more information.
Your web page can include a service request form (customers can place a service call 24 hours a day over the Internet from their computer to you,) and the information can be faxed, e-mailed and/or sent to your alphanumeric pager. This is a big plus for those of you that do not have Internet access yet.