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The PHCC Gazette Copyrighted � 1997-98 William J. Baumbach II
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PHCC gets new Officers and a face-lift for meetings
If you thought we just Eat and Drink youre wrong
Meetings have a NEW FORMAT. Here are some of the new and exciting changes you will see. There is no longer a business meeting after the dinner & sponsor, in its place we now have guest speakers and informative seminars. There are door prizes and as always you could walk away a big CASH winner by participating in the 50/50 drawing.
Warner Company
PHCC member Tom Warner is our very special guest speaker at this February meeting. Tom will speak about an article in the Washington Posts Style section on 12/04/96, which illustrates the environment in which we are trying to conduct our businesses. He will also discuss Warners response to survive with a hostile media.
"Thanks Tom for supporting your Association"
Also at this February meeting will be John Swallow of the National Federation of Independent Businesses who will continue with the multiple part series of simple, easy, direct action you can take to protect yourself and the free enterprises system from more government. See page two for details. And a $50.00 gift certificate for Tysons Corner Mall.
Expect a lot of fellowship & a good education
The PHCC logo is your assurance of quality in this profession!
Meeting Information
Every second Wednesday at Holiday-Inn 3535 Chain Bridge Road in Fairfax, Virginia. The evening will begin with a social � hour at 6:30PM. followed by a buffet dinner at 7:00PM.
For More Information Call
William J. Baumbach II, President
9975 Pennsylvania Ave Manassas, Va. 20110
Phone: (703)
367-7900 Fax: (703) 691-0946
BBS: (703) 273-6580 NO GOOD
Internet E-mail: Baumbach@phcc.org
PHCC Web Page: http://www.phcc.org
At the last Meeting
The January meeting was sponsored by
J & H Aitcheson who announced they were increasing their product line to include Air-Conditioning Equipment and they provided a very nice Jacket as a door prize. The winner of the $47.00 50/50 drawing was Wendell of My Plumber. John of Shreve & McGonegal walked away with the $50.00 gift certificate to Tysons Corner Mall. Prospective members were James Spencer of Pierce Mechanical Contractors and Micheal Branham of Branair Inc. Special guest Laurie Crigler our President of the Virginia State PHCC.
Win an Automobile or Cash
Members of the NAPHCC, just complete and return the survey that was in your December 1996 Member Pak by March 15th, and you could win 1 of 5 tickets for a GRAND PRIZE giveaway. You could win a Cadillac, a Corvette, two Harleys or $25,000 in Cash. This Confidential Data Sheet is also used to update the NAPHCC Whos Who in the PHC Contracting Business book listing all the PHCC members in each State.
You didnt throw it away did you?
National Federation of Independent Businesses
NFIB is the largest business association with over 500,000 paid business members. It meets weekly with the house and senate leadership and leads most of the 30 coalitions to which it belongs fighting for such things as small business review before OSHA and EPA apply new regulations to you, cutting and simplifying taxes, affordable health care, lower liability insurance and no more government requirements for your business, state and community.
With lobbyists in all 50 state capitols, NFIBs 13,000 members are leading the fight for lower workers compensation and elimination of the "gross receipts" or ("BPOL" /Business, Professional, Occupational License tax.)
Virginias Only Plumbing/HVAC Convention & EXPO
This is the first Convention designed along two tracks one for management and one for employee training.
This is an event you will not want to miss.
� Each track will have three different class
� There will be two hands-on technical seminars for plumbing & two for HVAC. You choose which one you want.
� Low employee registration includes lunches, training and special events.
Make your reservation today!
To Register for the training classes call VAPHCC (804) 644-5826
March 20-22 Convention
March 21-22 Trade Show/EXPO
(EXPO Only, admission is FREE)
Fredericksburg Sheraton,
Fredericksburg Virginia
For hotel reservations
call: (540) 786-8321
Time is running out
As a result of the response we are receiving we have managed to reconfigure the inside to fit 57 booths and 12 tables outside. This year the booths cost less for VAPHCC Industry Members than last year. This is a part of PHCC's effort to make the trade show as cost effective as possible for the EXPO participants. Increased attendance resulting from training classes should help to make this the best EXPO ever.
A Day on Capitol Hill
Legislative Conference Thursday, April 10, 1997. Join NAPHCC for a day of Education and Entertainment in our Nations Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Sound interesting? You bet it is! And youre not going to want to miss it! NAPHCC has an exciting day planned for you -- from dawn to dusk, youre going to experience first-hand Washington, D.C. the way the insiders do.
Join the NAPHCC family for this inaugural event. Call NAPHCC at (703) 237-8100 for more info.
Leader Ship Conference
April 11th to 13th at the Fairview Park Marriott. The Conference will be concentrating on Federation issues. NAPHCC will waive registration fees along with the hotel room and tax for all PHCC state executives, state presidents and state vice presidents. In addition NAPHCC will waive the registration only for all full time, paid local PHCC executive mangers. This year they will also waive registration only for one local officer. This represents a minimum value of more then $500 savings per person.
New Minimum Wage
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to post OSHA Form 200 explaining the new minimum wage Act in a conspicuous place during the month of February. Employers of 11 or more are required to post from Feb. 1, 97 through March 1, 97. Are you posted?
Employers are also required to post notices about the Family and Medical Leave Act, Job safety and Health Protection (OSHA), Equal Employment Opportunity and the Employee Polygram Protection Act.
For your convenience, NAPHCC has available for purchase one single poster featuring all five federal posting notices required by federal government. NAPHCC offers this one poster, which meets the five federal posting requirements for $3.50 (member) and $4.50 (non-member) Contact NAPHCC at (800) 533-7694 to order your poster today.
Quality Service Contractors
QSC enters its third year, the QSC Board of Trustees recently approved various new programs and expanded services for its membership of PHC service and repair contractors. A Fast Track Training Program Manual will be unveiled at the Power Meeting VI January 30 - February 1 in New Orleans. Other plans are under development, including Technician Certification Program, an Internet Web site and more. Also approved were the employment of a national QSC director in 1997, expanded production of the Advisor newsletter, increased membership marketing efforts in Canada, and various discount programs and benefits. more info contact Kim Oleson (800) 533-7694
People needed for committees
Below is the list of Committees that the PHCC needs people to actively participate on. If you can help and serve on a committee please call.
The committees are the backbone of the association and without active participation the PHCC can NOT properly function. PLEASE help! Its your association, it takes more than just dues money to have a successful association.
Please support your Association!
The PHCC Gazette
Needs your support. You probably like receiving this newsletter which cost me several hours a month in time and the PHCC over $600.00 a month in direct cost of postage and printing to produce. We could use some help in covering the cost and the best way you can do this is to insert an advertisement for the cost of $150.00 that goes to over 800 PHC people. Also I will have several hundred extra copies available at the next Board Meeting that we need help in distributing to County Permit Offices and supply house counters.
Kill The Bill
Call your Legislator (800) 889-0229 and urge him or her to Oppose HB 2536. This bill concerns us as it is currently drafted in that it would make propane gas-fitting a trade by law and as a trade allow gas fitters to perform work without further certification that is incidental to gas-fitting. This would kick the door open to gas-fitters performing your job! If this happens they can easily perform gas furnace installations or gas log installation or other similar work because it would be related to the gas fitting. There are no certification programs for them, like it exist ONLY with the trades of Plumbing, Electric or HVAC. This bill is being pushed heavily by Commonwealth Propane, a subsidiary or affiliate of Commonwealth Natural Gas. We do NOT need another door open for utilities to come into our business!
NAPHCC now on the Web Point your Browser to
Would you like to be on the Web?
I setup an Internet Web Server at My Plumber in Fairfax. All NVPHCC Members Name and Phone Number will be listed for FREE! If you would like to have your own Web Page and/or your very own Internet Domain address like, http://www.MyPlumber.com or http://www.Baumbach.com and be able to show Web Surfers not just another company ad, BUT an Interactive Web Page where you can receive orders, have a Discussion Group and more! You can be setup to update your Web Page from your own home or office and more! Call 703-367-7900. As always receive free News Groups and your own free E-Mail from the PHCC BBS at (703) 273-6580.
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The PHCC Gazette Copyrighted � 1997-98 William J. Baumbach II